Forum Replies Created

Please Help :,( Nose Cyst?

If it is inflaming and that much irritable It would be a good idea to see a Doctor. If you don' t feel comfortable to see a Doctor see if you can get an over the counter facial and cream. Anyway you ...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
Can My Face Recover?

The real answer to your question is no one knows but the steps you are taking as of lately, keep trying, minimize the popping of the pimples if you can. Start believing that this nightmare of your wil...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
Laser Treatments, Need Advice?

No None of the above, just an ex acne sufferer who discovered the secret of healing in the power of the soul, by using any acne treatment medication you believe in.

In forum Scar treatments

9 years ago
Laser Treatments, Need Advice?

How do you feel about the treatment is it working for you? Are you having any side effects? Don't pay any attention to other people's opinion about this procedure, because everyone is different. If ...

In forum Scar treatments

9 years ago
Accutane And Me (Again)

Stop worrying and believe that it is going to work for you.

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

9 years ago
Please Help

First you need to get your stress level down. It is causing more clogging in your pores, causing more acne. You need to stop worrying about the way you look and start anticipate the way you are going...

In forum Adult acne

9 years ago
Holistic Diet For 2 Months

There is no scientific proof that dieting has anything to do with acne. Try your dieting options for the next few weeks and let us know how it works for you. The reason for such encouragement is that...

In forum Diet & holistic health

9 years ago
My Experience With Fractional Lasers (Before After Pics)

If you are comfortable with that procedure, don't be afraid, start believing that is the passage to your healing. Since that you are not having any complications or side effects, just believe that th...

In forum Scar treatments

9 years ago
Every Spot Has Started Leaving Big Scars

It seem as if the per long doses of the medication is giving complications, now you are having side effects. Before trying other medications start anticipating that your next medication is going to he...

In forum Scar treatments

9 years ago

First you need, to stop feeling so bad, and believe that the solution that you are working to heal your acne will work. Believe it achieve it.

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
Should I Keep Using Benzoyl Peroxide Wash And Benzoyl Peroxide Topical?

The answer is yes, if you are not having any allergic reactions, and you most importantly believe that is will eventually clear up your breakout.

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago