Forum Replies Created

Ok To Skip A Day

So I went skiing two days ago, I had a nasty fall, landed on my neck and went to the hospital. I spent the day getting x-rays, my neck turned out to be fine, just bruising but I had to skip a day of r...

In forum The Regimen

11 years ago

First of all you need to experiment with different types of moisturizers,just because one irritates your skin doesn't mean all of them consider Jojaba oil available right here on ad...

In forum The Regimen

11 years ago
Is This A Healthy Regimen? Please Help!

First of all it's not very good to mix the regimen with other products.if the moisturizer doesn't work well I suggest getting Jojaba oil. next you should be using the regimen in the morning,...

In forum The Regimen

11 years ago
Country Consideration

It shouldn't matter at all what country your in! The climate has nothing to do with how effective the treatment ships everywhere and works in all country's. Now,with back acne I would sug...

In forum The Regimen

11 years ago
Ahhhh So Happy

This morning I received my in the mail! So just a 2 hours ago I put it on and already looks somewhat better(note I have mild-moderate acne) I can just tell this is going to work! Thanks Dan...

In forum The Regimen

11 years ago
Too Young!

I have moderate acne but I feel too young to have such bad acne! I'm only 12 years old and I'm constantly getting whiteheads,blackheads,and awful papules.I really want to get rid of my acne before it ...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago