Forum Replies Created

I take care of my face still I get acne, What should I do?

Since your skin is still young you should not be doing self-medication as this is bad and trying out things could lead to worse effects so avoid that. Being a risk taker is good and all but when it co...

In forum General acne discussion

6 years ago
Adult Acne

Well, what you could do is first, don't panic. Second, go to a dermatologist and have your skin checked and tested though be wary as there are clinics will give you lots of this and that but doesn't s...

In forum Adult acne

6 years ago Regimen Alternatives found in the Philippines

Could any of the users post their before and after pics just so we could see your skin type and if it matches ours as well see if this treatment could actually fit us skin type appropriate.

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

6 years ago