Forum Replies Created

Histamine Intolerance and Acne?

6 hours ago, klt024 said: hey there! I have been having an itchy rash- like reaction where I have what appears to be a hive/pimple hybrid. They are medium to small welts that have a pimple like...

In forum General acne discussion

5 years ago
Histamine Intolerance and Acne?

Just sent you a message! Sorry for the delayed response 😀

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Histamine Intolerance and Acne?

4 hours ago, clareabella said: Wow your skin looks amazing. Congrats on finding something that has worked for you Thanks Clareabella! 

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
Histamine Intolerance and Acne?

Hi Everyone, I've had acne on and off since I was 14 and then in 2013 after a round of Ciprofloxacin and Plan B emergency contraceptive it exploded to new levels (full story here). Sometimes it would ...

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
Plan B and Cipro Acne Plus Cleanup Story

On 6/28/2016 at 10:04 AM, antonellad said: Find out if your insulin resistant if you are you will need to treat that with some supplements  and quit sugar for good no dim or chin...

In forum Hormonal acne

8 years ago
Plan B and Cipro Acne Plus Cleanup Story

I'm just adding this as an addendum here to this story. It's 2016 now and my skin is more clear than it has been in years! I found out that histamine in the diet was playing a significant role in main...

In forum Hormonal acne

8 years ago
What are your theories on the causes of acne?

On 12/21/2015, 1244, Mrl27 said: My thoughts are that acne is hormonal and genetic related but it is aggravated by bad diet, lifestyle, and/or the wrong topical products. When i didn't have acn...

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
What are your theories on the causes of acne?

On 12/20/2015, 1249, WishClean said: Acne can be an auto-immune response, and lyme disease has symptoms of auto-immune disorders. Histamine reactions tend to happen more often when the...

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
What are your theories on the causes of acne?

1 minute ago, AppleySauce said: Yes it is the 157th allele combination on the 16th chromosome... Just kidding I have no clue whatsoever :') All I know is that my grandmother has this sor...

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
What are your theories on the causes of acne?

1 hour ago, Luna878 said: @RacingheartZ I really enjoy reading your feedback on this forum, especially about the genetic component of acne, which I'm really interested in learning more about. ...

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
What are your theories on the causes of acne?

Thanks Lucas and AppleySauce!! I think it's a great point about genetics and some of the genes involved in skin cell turnover. My family has a lot of Psoriasis and I also have Keratosis Pilaris both o...

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
What are your theories on the causes of acne?

I agree with everyone that it's a multi-factorial problem. I too have often thought that the ROOT of *a large majority* of persistent acne lies in the gut (I like a lot of the Gut-Brain-Skin Axis Rese...

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
What are your theories on the causes of acne?

Hi Everyone, Since many of us have had acne for years and different things have worked for different people, I'm wondering what you think the true cause was/is of your acne? What are your wildest t...

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
Please help, I need a new treatment!

Hi Blacknerve, It's different and unique for everyone but if it makes you feel better, I was on the NuvaRing and it really helped with my acne -- but I came off of it eventually for other reasons. ...

In forum Adult acne

9 years ago
Plan B and Cipro Acne Plus Cleanup Story

Hi , I am so glad that I found your journal! I am having exactly same syptom as what you had gone through now. And I am very depressed about it. I took plan B on July and I got a lot of tiny whitehead...

In forum Hormonal acne

9 years ago
Plan B and Cipro Acne Plus Cleanup Story

    Thanks so much!!!! Thank you for following me and helping me out in the journey ) I'm definitely getting there with the Lyme disease ... I seem to have more and more good days as op...

In forum Hormonal acne

9 years ago
Plan B and Cipro Acne Plus Cleanup Story

WOW!!! Your photos made me really happy for you....I hope the lyme disease is as under control as your skin. I'm glad you finally got diagnosed...acne is a sign that something is wrong with our body, ...

In forum Hormonal acne

9 years ago
Plan B and Cipro Acne Plus Cleanup Story

Update as of August 2015:   Here's my final update to the acne + Plan B story. It turns out that I have had undiagnosed Lyme disease for about 15+ years now and it got to the point where I had ...

In forum Hormonal acne

9 years ago
Androgenic Birth Control (Plan B) Acne, My Natural Healing Plan

  I love your detailed story! I hope you are still having continued success with your regimen. and am still fighting monthly breakouts even though it's been 5 months since I took plan B. I ...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Plan B and Cipro Acne Plus Cleanup Story

I'm so glad you are 99% clear 5beauty! That's great to hear. You're right about turmeric ... I was using it before but stopped because it was making my face so yellow. When you mix it with the yogu...

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago
Plan B and Cipro Acne Plus Cleanup Story

Wooo my face is getting better and better this summer! I'd even argue that, while my skin still has scars that are healing, my skin itself is looking healthier than it has EVER. Now that I'm not brea...

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago
Mtor Inhibition And What It Really Means...

Thanks and thanks for the feedback! Will keep that in mind if I choose to expand upon this for thesis.

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
Mtor Inhibition And What It Really Means...

Great summary of the recent research! Super helpful. I wrote a paper about acne & nutrition and came across the mTORC1 pathway and was fascinated. I think I'm going to focus on mTORC1 for my th...

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
Help With My Acne, I'm So Lost. Androgens ? Stress ? Hypothyroidism ? Many Questions.

Tough to say about the glucose! The doctor that I work for said her blood sugar is always around 75-80 and she feels fine. In school, we learn that for hypoglycemic people it's best to eat smaller m...

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago
Plan B and Cipro Acne Plus Cleanup Story

5beauty and wishclean you have both convinced me enough to try yogurt masks ... I've been scared because eating dairy makes my face breakout so I wasn't sure how it would be putting it on my skin. Th...

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago