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Histamine Intolerance and Acne?


Posted : 10/26/2016 1:34 pm

Hi Everyone,

I've had acne on and off since I was 14 and then in 2013 after a round of Ciprofloxacin and Plan B emergency contraceptive it exploded to new levels (full story here). Sometimes it would get a little better during that time and sometimes it would get worse. Food seemed to play a role, my cycle played a role, some supplements helped (like B12 and vitamin C) and so forth. Finally, in 2015 I started seeing a Lyme doctor and she recommended a modified ketogenic diet which is loaded with high histamine like fermented foods, kefir, nuts, avocados, etc and my acne got really bad again. But it was a helpful indicator that histamine was playing a role in my acne! Anyway, I went on a low histamine diet and my skin is now more clear than it has been my entire life.

I tend to think histamine intolerance is secondary to other issues: mast cell activation syndromes, chronic infections (like lyme and co-infections), gut dysbiosis with too many histamine producing bacteria, not enough histamine reducing bacteria, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth causing low production of histamine degrading enzyme (DAO), electrolyte imbalances, genetic abnormalities in histamine reducing enzymes and more. Still trying to figure out my underlying cause of the histamine intolerance but I imagine it has something to do with the fact that I've had Lyme for so long and also I think the antibiotic Cipro made everything worse.

Just wondering how many of you out there have had success reducing your acne by modulating histamine levels?? I don't think everyone's acne is caused by histamine but I bet there's a certain subset of the acne population -- especially anyone who has ever had itchy acne or those who suspect diet is playing a role but can't pin down the exact cause. 

I've attached a picture of my skin last year on a high histamine diet versus this year on a low histamine diet.



Posted : 10/28/2016 6:58 am

Wow your skin looks amazing. Congrats on finding something that has worked for you:)


Posted : 10/28/2016 11:57 am

4 hours ago, clareabella said:

Wow your skin looks amazing. Congrats on finding something that has worked for you:)

Thanks Clareabella! 


Posted : 01/07/2017 6:39 am

Hi racinghearts. Great results. I also think my acne of 15 years is due to histamine intolerance. Many indicators.


Posted : 02/03/2017 4:47 pm

Just sent you a message! Sorry for the delayed response 😀


Posted : 10/08/2019 3:05 pm

hey there! I have been having an itchy rash- like reaction where I have what appears to be ahive/pimple hybrid. They are medium to small welts that have a pimple like puss in them (sorry so gross) ALL over my face. I know I have stomach issues (SIBO) and sequential issues with histamine. I have found a low histamine diet works for me, but still looking for ways to get rid of this rash when I slip up on my diet. Anyone else get something like this?


Posted : 10/08/2019 9:48 pm

6 hours ago, klt024 said:

hey there! I have been having an itchy rash- like reaction where I have what appears to be ahive/pimple hybrid. They are medium to small welts that have a pimple like puss in them (sorry so gross) ALL over my face. I know I have stomach issues (SIBO) and sequential issues with histamine. I have found a low histamine diet works for me, but still looking for ways to get rid of this rash when I slip up on my diet. Anyone else get something like this?

In the end, my histamine issues were caused by an oxalate issue. Going on a low oxalate diet helped calm my mast cells. I haven't had acne like in my post above in about 3 years now -- mostly only get small little clogged pore pimples now only on occasion. Vitamin C is a natural mast-cell stabilizer/anti-histamine. Does a vitamin C cream or serum work? Back in the day, I used to steam my face and put some vitamin C powder in it. I can't take too much Vitamin C now because it makes the oxalate issue worse but I occasionally get facials that involve a vitamin C mask. Good luck!!
