Forum Replies Created


Awh brilliant!! Yeah I've been on it 19 days now and I definitely feel the breakout is calming down.. I still have the odd one or 2 popping up but nothing compared to what it was! Skin is just dry and...

In forum Adult acne

7 years ago

Hey stressed123,  How are you getting on now? I just started roaccutane a week ago (20mg) and I'm after waking up with a pretty bad break out around my chin and mouth Â&n...

In forum Adult acne

7 years ago
23 Year Old Female Roaccutane - Round 2: Day 1

Hey Heather93,  I'm 23 too and just started on Roaccutane 20mg a day for 6 months... My skin has gotten a lot bumpier and haven't seen much improvement yet, although I did only start a wee...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

7 years ago
42 and wanting to try accutane

Hey R, Great to see your update seen as though I started the day after you!! I'm getting the bumps under the skin too.. some of them are pretty big and sore and feel like they're never going to go, es...

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago
(Ro)accutane Still Making Things Worse in Month 3 (Now 5)?!

I actually must try the Cetaphil myself... as this is only my second day I have a lot to learn as to what works and doesn't! I know this might sound crazy, but I took my first pill last night (roaccut...

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago
(Ro)accutane Still Making Things Worse in Month 3 (Now 5)?!

Thanks a mill I really think you should try and hold out. I really do think it will improve. Maybe increase it for a month and if you really think it's not worth the side effects then maybe just com...

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago
How to help cure acne????

I started getting acne when I was about 12/13.... I tried everything over the last 11 years (now being 23) to help my skin - pills, antibiotics, creams, laser, facials, everything! And absolutely noth...

In forum Hormonal acne

7 years ago

I started getting my acne when I was about 13 or so. It was only ever 2 or 3 spots but they started to bother me and my skin texture started getting pretty bad. When my skin began to get worse, I also...

In forum Hormonal acne

7 years ago
(Ro)accutane Still Making Things Worse in Month 3 (Now 5)?!

Hey MoonlitRiver,  Although I'm only a new member, I'm almost sure I've read every post on over the last couple of months so hopefully I can help you out and put your mind at ease...

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago