Forum Replies Created

Washing face with rice water

I've heard the same thing so I'll definitely be looking at your log. I tried using rice water as toner for a while and I didn't see any difference. I might try it again though.

In forum Personal logs

14 years ago
White Blood Cell Count

Wow that's terrible! It's truly a serious drug. It's a shame that something so terrible works SO well for acne. I hope that your daughter gets better! And that's terrible that the dermatologist put h...

In forum Prescription acne medications

14 years ago
White Blood Cell Count

Yeah it does and I have been pretty packed with plenty of work and less sleep. Time to stop being a night person then!

In forum Prescription acne medications

14 years ago
White Blood Cell Count

I recently had a checkup with my dermatologist after being on Accutane for 2 months. Everything was great except for my white blood cell count. The normal is 4.5. My first month I was at 4.2 and now I...

In forum Prescription acne medications

14 years ago
Does using computers too long cause acne?

I need to see more proof with this because it sounds way too extreme without some scientific evidence to back it up.   The only thing I can see coming from this is the issue of people who spend ...

In forum General acne discussion

14 years ago
How ya feelin' about your acne today?

^ How great!     Kinda annoyed today. I have no breakouts right now thanks to Accutane. (It feels amazing!) But the red marks and the small scars and seriously bothering me. blotchy...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

14 years ago
The seborrheic dermatitis thread

They're just fairly large patches on my scalp. They're very flaky and dry. They're not itchy but I scratch them anyway just because they're annoying. I kinda remember having similar patches as a kid ...

In forum Rosacea & facial redness

14 years ago
The seborrheic dermatitis thread

I just found out today that I have seborrheic dermatitis on my scalp. I've had some weird spots for a while now but I didn't think anything about it. Does anyone know if Scalpicin works well?

In forum Rosacea & facial redness

14 years ago
YAZ birth control

I hate to be the party pooper but god I hate Yaz with a passion. My acne blew up, I had a stupid period every other week, I was moody for no reason, wasn't motivated and I had really bad joint pain. ...

In forum Hormonal acne

15 years ago