Forum Replies Created

Subcision on the Temples? How do other doctors approach this area?

My injector was actually a nurse who did a lot of Botox and fillers, so was very well versed in the facial anatomy. But not too well known I believe. PM me for more info if you’re on the east coast

In forum Scar treatments

4 years ago
Question for People with "Successful" Scar Treatment

21 minutes ago, Matt1274 said: I did: -2 microneedling without PRP as first steps -3 microneedling with PRP and subcision at same time (subcision, microneedling, full lar...

In forum Scar treatments

4 years ago
Question for People with "Successful" Scar Treatment

I did: -2 microneedling without PRP as first steps -3 microneedling with PRP and subcision at same time (subcision, microneedling, full largest dents with PRP and use PRP as lubricant for m...

In forum Scar treatments

4 years ago
Subcision on the Temples? How do other doctors approach this area?

I had aggressive temple subcision and fillers. If your doctor knows the facial anatomy and is confident- along with you trusting the doctor.. then go for it. I had severe temple scarring. Now it’s 80%...

In forum Scar treatments

4 years ago
Need help with ice pick scars on nose

From someone who absolutely destroyed their face from scar treatments (actual atrophic scarring) I’m going to tell you with 100% honesty the enlarged pores on your nose are non existent to anyone you ...

In forum Scar treatments

4 years ago
Is this normal ? PHOTO day after submission

Wow. That honestly looks like necrosis or something in the darkest area. I would seek a second opinion asap

In forum Scar treatments

4 years ago
Need help with ice pick scars on nose

What scars?

In forum Scar treatments

4 years ago
I need advice on what to do with my scars.

You barely even have scars.. cure your acne first and do some mild peels for these superficial scars. Just now, Matt1274 said: You barely even have scars.. cure your acne first and do some...

In forum Scar treatments

4 years ago
Acne scarring on Forehead

This is strange. The only scar is the one above what you circled. What you circled is wrinkles from your sunken forehead. Just get Botox, and TCA cross the icepick or boxcar or whatever that is.

In forum Scar treatments

4 years ago