Forum Replies Created


I heard turmeric is magical when u eat it as well, helps clearing liver. liver is very essential for us in curing acne as you all know. yogurt must be helpful in healing process. where I come from peo...

In forum Diet & holistic health

13 years ago
My clear skin/anti-aging diet & supplements

I admire your knowledge about nutrition and healhty life style. One thing I cant help wondering is, how does your body cope with all the supplements you mention? I hear from various people here on mes...

In forum Personal logs

13 years ago
How I cured my acne through diet!

Diet coke, diet soda, they are treated by body as ACTUAL sugar! body processes them as it does to sugar same response. plus they ve many long term side effects. dont drink them! actually they are wors...

In forum Diet & holistic health

13 years ago
Fish oil causing acne?

my god.. I was just so excited to buy fish oil supplements -brand i chose is nordic naturals- but as I read here I'm worried what happens if I take.. do u think if your break outs might be caused by ...

In forum Diet & holistic health

13 years ago
Clear after 15 years...

I heard about alkali diet good for whole body. but my concern is how come u drink lemon juice on empty stomach? im sure mine would hurt if I did! im afraid to develop stomach wounds if i start drinkin...

In forum Diet & holistic health

13 years ago