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How I cured my acne through diet!


Posted : 03/12/2009 6:38 pm

Hey im a 19 year old male and have suffered from acne on and off since i was 13, it ruined certain days for me whilst in high school to the point where i just ditched, not because i was lazy, but because my acne became so bad. Some days it would start to clear up, and then i would just break out for no reason which was stressful and infuriating. After I ditched those days, I then had to make up an excuse to my dad about why i ditched a certain class, because i was embarrassed to talk to him about my acne and how much it really bothered me. So now im in college and recently have switched to an ADHD medication called "Adderall". Adderall has certain side affects such as loss of hunger, so when i started i didn't feel hungry for the first 4 days and basically didn't eat anything during that time but vitamins. As i did this over the 4 days i noticed that my acne was dissipating, then as soon as my appetite came back and i began to eat i broke out. Now it just so happens that i had mainly just noodles/bread for those 2 days after i started breaking out. I made the connection between "enriched" items and my acne. Enriched flour, Enriched wheat, EVERYTHING, i just stopped eating them. Though i think i could probably eat whole wheat bread, my acne isnt worth the risk. So i just avoid it. Then i would notice little breakouts every time i had alot of processed sugar or high fructose corn syrup, so i stopped having any type of sugar besides naturally made (honey, sugar in fruit etc). After i avoided all non natural sugar as well as all breads/grains my acne has completely, and i mean completely gone away. Its amazing, I would always notice my acne breaking out suddenly but could never make the connection. I use Oxy 10% maximum strength face wash at night just to make sure what was already there stays away, and it does. No more avoiding family events, or classes because of acne breakouts, no more making excuses on why i cant go to something, my original confidence is back, its fantastic. Though i loved sugar and are now reserved to diet soda anything is worth it keep away the acne. Though i do believe its mainly "enriched" foods, i honestly dont want to take the risk of that horrible stuff coming back, no food not matter how good is worth that.


So now I just eat, meat,cheese, natural sugar (not cane just to be safe but honey and fruit are ok) and take multivitamins. Then at night i wash my face once with Oxy. My skin is almost completely clear which has never happened before, those who are on witts end when it comes to acne i submit this regimen to you. After all this i honestly do not think it is pollution that causes Americans to have so much more acne but simply the food we eat and how its processed, medications treat acne, but controlling what you eat can keep it from happening. My acne is now completely clear and it hasn't come back since.



Goodluck if you try this out ! ;)

Hope it works for you like it did me. (i don't use this site often but i really wanted to get this amazing experience out there for others to try)




Posted : 03/12/2009 7:13 pm

Eliminating carbs and sugar will do much more for you than clear your skin. You're nipping it in the bud early which will serve you well in the long run.


Posted : 03/12/2009 7:33 pm

Eliminating carbs and sugar will do much more for you than clear your skin. You're nipping it in the bud early which will serve you well in the long run.

Im sure that's true, but honestly without acne i probably wouldn't be that health conscious. Before i realized this to be the cause of my acne, i drank 2 cans of soda a day and could eat 2 whoppers and saw no noticeable affect due to my high metabolism. Ive actually heard of sugar causing acne but that one day where i didn't eat anything but pasta + bread for the most part of 3 days changed my mind. Nothing will taste as good as getting rid of acne feels. Going to restaurants with friends/ family is hard, especially because im pretty lean, me ordering diet soda is quite strange looking. But Im sticking with it because im done having to deal with acne.


It all originally came from watching a show on tv about a tribe that lives in a rain forest, where i saw a group of teenagers and none of them had any signs of acne, thats what help get me thinking. In order for foods to become enriched they are given multiple chemicals, which may be the possible cause. With high fructose corn syrup chemicals are added to change the consistency into a syrup etc. Though i miss donuts, and have to watch as friends eat foods i used to love. I don't care im sticking with this.


Posted : 03/12/2009 8:20 pm

Don't worry. Your taste buds will change. I don't know how you can tolerate diet soda though.


How long did it take? Do you still need the ADHD medication?




Posted : 03/12/2009 8:40 pm

Diet Dr pepper tastes pretty normal for some reason, i hate everything else though.


Especially diet coke which is the diet soda most places have.


Yah i still need the ADHD medication but thats mainly for school and driving. My appetite is back to normal which makes this a little harder.

My acne was pretty severe, but within 3 days i could already feel my skin clearing up. Its been about 3 weeks since ive started but my acne almost completely cleared in less then half that time. All that remained were remnants of the acne i previously had. Then one night i was hanging with some friends and had some white bread without thinking about it. My acne instantly became worse, but 2 days later it was gone again. My acne has always moved around, but it has never stayed this clear for so long, I suggest if anyone does this that they take a iodine free multivitamin as well so that any nutrients missing from not eating certain foods are still taken.


I forgot to mention, vegetables are ok as well, i just dont eat them that much. Just think unprocessed or grows naturally in nature as guidelines. (this includes meats, just not processed meats)


Posted : 03/12/2009 8:53 pm

Diet Dr pepper tastes pretty normal for some reason, i hate everything else though.


Especially diet coke which is the diet soda most places have.


Yah i still need the ADHD medication but thats mainly for school and driving. My appetite is back to normal which makes this a little harder.



I forgot to mention, vegetables are ok as well, i just dont eat them that much. Just think unprocessed or grows naturally in nature as guidelines. (this includes meats, just not processed meats)


I found anything citrusy successfully covered up the nasty taste of fake sugar. But i mostly drink water and tea.


Maybe you won't need the medication after awhile. I don't know that much about it, but I know I'm always seeing things about ADHD and sugars and processed foods.


You might try the green smoothies made with some nutrient dense greens with a little fruit that completely covers the taste. There's an extremely long thread on them full of recipes.


Posted : 03/12/2009 8:56 pm

*hides the frosted mini wheats*

Sounds like a great plan! I'll have to try this :D


Posted : 03/12/2009 9:00 pm

*hides the frosted mini wheats*

Sounds like a great plan! I'll have to try this :D


yeah i suggest just giving it a try for at least a week and seeing how it goes.

Trust me if i can do it anyone can. 3 soda's in a day wasnt uncommon, i miss sugar but this feeling beats it 100x over.


Posted : 01/05/2011 5:03 pm

Diet coke, diet soda, they are treated by body as ACTUAL sugar! body processes them as it does to sugar same response. plus they ve many long term side effects. dont drink them! actually they are worse than sugar many studies revealed.


Posted : 10/20/2012 3:40 pm

Hi, can you eat potatoes?
