Forum Replies Created

Spironolactone Journey

Wow oh wow oh wow!!! What a rollercoaster life is! I had to come back and update because the support here is AMAZING!! And hopefully if you're reading this, it can help you as well. First--I still ...

In forum Hormonal acne

7 years ago
Spironolactone Journey

Well. Screw this. Breakout on my chin and all over my neck and jawline (and only on the left side of my face--wtf). Even with my upped dosage of spiro. Life sucks.

In forum Hormonal acne

9 years ago
Spironolactone Journey

Hey Krissy, thanks for message! Idk about accutane. I don't think I could go through that again, way too many side effects. I'm waiting to see on spiro and just a healthier lifestyle. I don't think ac...

In forum Hormonal acne

9 years ago
Spironolactone Journey

I was looking back at photos from March 10 up until now that I have taken of my skin. It is now a complete cystic breakout. I don't know what triggered this and why/how it started, and why it has not ...

In forum Hormonal acne

9 years ago
Spironolactone Journey

quick update: worse than ever. Four CONSECUTIVE cysts forming a line on my right chin. Now my forehead is breaking out in pimples, with a cyst forming along my left eyebrow. Cysts all over my neck ...

In forum Hormonal acne

9 years ago
Spironolactone Journey

Woke up crying. Next month will be a year on spiro. My skin is worse than ever. What if my acne never goes away? I know people say it is genetics. My parents and siblings never had any. The only re...

In forum Hormonal acne

9 years ago
Spironolactone Journey

Alright, saw a new derm. It is official, I seriously think all dermatologists must go through some sort of training on how to be the rudest doctors. They are all horrible!! Ugh, I am so frustrated. I ...

In forum Hormonal acne

9 years ago
Spironolactone Journey

Looking back at old photos and how my face looks now, my acne looks exactly the same (which is bad, so very bad). But what is so weird, is that each spot is in the same identical place. The cystic mar...

In forum Hormonal acne

9 years ago
Spironolactone Journey

A frustrated update in that there has been no improvement. I think there are even more of these neck pimples and a few small cysts collecting along my neck and upper jawline/ear area as well :/ ugh

In forum Hormonal acne

9 years ago Last Hope

Sending so many hugs your way Shadylee! I know it is so rough, and it sucks. No other way of really saying it. It just sucks. I do think things will get better. The body is constantly changing, and ...

In forum Hormonal acne

9 years ago
Spironolactone Journey

Hey Tracy, I really don't want to go back on antibiotics. I have been on them so often, I do not want my body building up a resistance to them. I started using an apricot scrub every few days with sa...

In forum Hormonal acne

9 years ago
Spironolactone Journey

My face is looking worse than ever. It is so red--everywhere!! The ears and my left neck are the worst. There is a colony of tiny pimples with a couple of cysts closer to the jawline. My forehead has...

In forum Hormonal acne

9 years ago Last Hope

Hey all-- Just wanted to stop by and wish you all well! This is incredibly frustrating, but I really do think that spiro will work, and that with time there will be more clear days than days filled w...

In forum Hormonal acne

9 years ago
Spironolactone Journey

Hey Traci--thank you for sticking with me through all my ups and downs. I saw a new derm on Monday, and I think that helped. My manufacturer of Spiro switched to qualitiest about a month and a half ag...

In forum Hormonal acne

9 years ago
Spironolactone Journey

Hey all. So basically it has almost been one year since starting this. My skin is sh!t. It is back to as bad as it was this time last year. Pot marks all over my face--mainly the left side. Lip area/c...

In forum Hormonal acne

9 years ago
Spironolactone Journey

Thanks for the support everyone! I swear--one cyst fades and THREE more pop up. My chin is disgusting. Two big red marks with THREE booming cysts that HURT. My neck is breaking out too! What the heck...

In forum Hormonal acne

9 years ago
Spironolactone Journey

Hey Tracy, I am on 50mg twice a day. I really don't wanna go up and get an IB. I don't know why my skin is getting WORSE though. I am not on BC because I think that is what broke me out in the first ...

In forum Hormonal acne

9 years ago
Spironolactone Journey

Aghhh. Past eight months and my face is horrid! What the h*ll happened?? I am so depressed. I have these red marks above my lip and mustache area, I don't know what that is from?? I have two giant c...

In forum Hormonal acne

9 years ago Last Hope

Shadylee! I was so happy to read that you are feeling good about your skin! I hope it stays that way. I'm on my period now, and I don't know if that is it or what but my skin is UGH. It is frustrating...

In forum Hormonal acne

9 years ago
Spironolactone Journey

Well, I am still on spiro. I am breaking out like crazy right now. I am on my second day of my period--maybe that is why? There is a small cluster of pimples on my forehead/eyebrow area, and I don't k...

In forum Hormonal acne

9 years ago
Spironolactone Journey

HI all, I have a triangle of cysts in my chin/cheek area. One on my lower left chin (left jawline too) then one on my right chin and one above my right lip and one on my right cheek. WHAT IS UP WITH ...

In forum Hormonal acne

9 years ago
Spironolactone Journey

Happy Christmas everyone! Unfortunately I have all these spots popping up along my chin/jawline...what is going on?!?! I am freaking out. There is a huge cyst that is super visible on my chin, just b...

In forum Hormonal acne

9 years ago
Spironolactone Journey

Welp. Breaking out along my jawline in BIG cysts. Hard too, very hard. One on my left side, and two right below each other on my right side under my ear. I had one on my chin area that left a nasty r...

In forum Hormonal acne

9 years ago Last Hope

Hey Shadylee, Spiro is really up and down in those beginning months. Especially when outside factors (stress, diet, sleep, period, etc.) come into play. It seems like you are doing better though! I ...

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago
Spironolactone Journey

Wow--what a journey. It is still ongoing! Currently I have two pimples residing on my forehead (above my inner right eyebrow). They have taken up that spot for almost a week and a half now, driving me...

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago