Clear all Last Hope


Posted : 02/25/2015 7:26 pm

I just read this entire thread looking for inspiration and I think i got a bit. Ive been on spiro for 14 weeks, and everyday i am still getting new deep, red, gigantic lesions. Some of them are cystic, but some are poppable but they still last weeks and then leave a red mark for months. So at this point, my face is pretty abysmal with current pimples and old marks. If i go 12 hours without a new pimple, i get all excited thinking "maybe its working" but then I break out in 3 new huge ones and all my hope goes crashing I had to get 6 injected today and the doctor keeps saying that the spiro isn't working for me so theres no sense in staying on it. But then i read something like this and it pushes me to stick with it for another month or 2 to see if it improves. I still want to maintain hope bc I'm out of options. If you have any more updates, I'd love to hear it. Hopefully you still have clear skin, and hopefully in another month i can be saying the same thing

It is worth waiting. It took over four months for me to see any real results.

Please get your blood checked at the six month mark though. Don't skip it. High potassium is no joke.

I'm going to miss spiro...


Posted : 02/27/2015 12:27 pm

That really sux justtfx! Sorry you're stopping the Spiro. What dosage were you on? I started off at 50mgs for 6 months then bumped it to 100mgs which ive been on for 4 months now, im still breaking out with white heads that turn into cysts!! These break outs are driving me crazy!! I heard every time you up the dosage you get another break out grrrrrrr I cant take it anymore and want to just stop the spiro all together but I know I have to hang in there and that I will be all worth it. My doctor makes me take a blood test every 6 months so hopefully my potassium will stay on track thru it all. Let me know how everything goes being off the Spiro :)


Posted : 02/28/2015 8:10 am

Well where to begin...

I was doing fantastic..I truly thought FINALLY spiro has kicked in. I was even doing great the week before my period! Then when my period was ending it kind of all went to crap :(. This is also a very bad time for me but I was hoping since I did so great the week before my period maybe all wld be well..HaHaHa!!

I got a huge cyst on my back, and when I say huge, I mean HUGE. I haven't broken out on my back in years. I thought to myself ok..its on my back, as long as it isn't on my face. Well with that said I got small cyst in my moustache area, and I still had the small nugget from the huge cyst I got a couple of months ago. I made a derm appointment on the 20th mostly to take care of the one on my back, it was totally freaking me was size of half dollar and area around it was so swollen..(I know totally gross). Also my husband and I went to New Orleans on Monday so I wanted to go with clear face.

Well the derm decied to extract them all...the nugget which was sitting there for weeks, omg did that feel good and satisfying! The one on my back took her awhile and omg did that hurt. The one in my moustache area turned into a mess!! In all my years I have never gotten an extraction believe it or not, and I don't think I will ever again, I always got shots. What pisses me off is I left the dam thing alone it wldve been fine, it was in healing stage and it wasn't red.

Monday morning my hubby and I left for New Orleans and the moustache area one turned into full blown red cyst, and I had a new cyst growing on my chin. I had left over prednisone so I started to take it on Saturday. I hate taking prednisone but I hate even more going on vacation with cysts on my face, it totally ruins the whole vacation. The prednisone was helping a little but it wasn't really denting the new one on the chin. It was super deep and growing. By Tuesday morning I was a total wreck crying in our hotel room. I had clear skin for 3 weeks and then when I go on vacation all hell breaks loose..ughhh.

Well having the best husband in the world, he started to call derms to see if any wld fit me in for shots. I googled for a long time to figure out which derms I wld feel comfortable about going to. I get so nervous about getting shots w somebody I haven't used, they can go wrong in many ways. Well let me tell you New Orleans derms are quite accommodating, I got in for shots Tuesday afternoon. By this time my moustache area was like a mushy swollen scab area, and chin one got quite big and hurt. He shot them both. I felt very comfy with him, he was super nice and seemed to know what he was doing.

The shots went well but omg moustache area one turned into quite a big scab..blech. But I cld tell it was finally in a healing stage so I lived with it. It was kind of embarrassing walking around with a frkn scab on my face, but oh well. After that I got a cpl more lumps which I thought for sure were going to turn cystic, but they didn't..Yayyy! My face is doing pretty good now, keeping my fingers crossed. Even if my skin stays clear for a few weeks im going to be so paranoid next month after my period..

justtfx..I am sooo sorry to hear you have to go off spiro, that totally sucks. Have you had your potassium checked again? Has it gone down? It must be pretty scary. How long have you been off spiro, and how is your face doing? I have to get my blood checked every 3 months and I get so nervous. My derm checks a few things and im so frkn paranoid something is going to come back bad. I'm due for blood test in couple of weeks and i'm nervous already. I really hope you're feeling ok and your skin is doing ok..

sladnacne..ugh I feel so bad you found inspiration in my posts, and BAM my stupid skin has to go and ruin it. I will say though spiro is definitely doing something for me, my skin is way better than pre-spiro, I just wish I wld get to the point where I stop breaking out, or at least stop with the cysts! My derm says it can take a long time. Also the derm I saw in New Orleans said he has had patients that it took 9 months to see consistency. He also said if after 6 months im still getting cysts that maybe I shld ask my derm for an increased dosage, that sometimes some women just need a higher dose. If next months period was the disaster it was this months I think I will ask for increased dosage. Im a little nervous bc I haven't had side effects, and I wld love to keep it that way...

Val..It is so frustrating to still be breaking out, isn't it? Its like jeez, we have put our time in, give us clear skin!! I get those whiteheads too. I'll be excited bc I'm like ok good, its just a whitehead..But some of mine do turn into cysts, and its like Ughhhh! I cant wait til I have consistently clear skin!

We got back from New Orleans last night..I think I need a vacation from my vacation, what a crazy place! haha.

My skin right now is doing good and I hope it stays that way!! Hoping for clear skin for all of us!! :)


Posted : 03/09/2015 3:00 am

That sounds just awful. I had a short couple days where I didn't get any new pimples and got so excited that maybe I was finally catching a break, and then of course it all went to shit again. I feel like such a broken person. If someone had told me that nearly 4 months into this treatment that my skin would still be as bad as ever, i probably would've laughed in their face. I can only imagine your frustration because you've been on it a bit longer than I have. I can imagine that with the constant breakouts, aside from current spots, you also have red marks that take months to heal?Where I'm at right now is a face just cluttered with pimples. cysts, or red marks. You always talk about your husband, and I'm struggling right now with not wanting my long term bf to see my face without makeup. I know it may be different because he's your husband and not just a bf, but how do you get the courage to let someone see your face when it's at its worst? I just can't help but feel so cripplingly ashamed and embarrassed by my face


Posted : 03/09/2015 9:26 am

hi sladnacne,

My hubby is actually the only person i'll let see me when im breaking out horrendously. I've been with him almost 10 years and it took me quite awhile to even talk about my acne to him. My acne didn't turn cystic till about 5 years ago, so even though I had bad breakouts when I was dating him I could get through it. When my acne turned cystic everything really changed. Like you I was just so embarrassed. We had moved into together and one morning I was getting ready to go to work and I completely lost it. I was crying hysterical. My hubby (bf at the time) walked into the bathroom and was like whats wrong? I just let it all out, my frustration w my skin, how I felt so ugly and embarrassed, etc. Well he comforted me, he was the best. The funny thing was he said he really never noticed anything, he was really surprised that I had suffered for so long. It really was the best thing I did, to open up about it to him. He's so truly comforting and a pillar of strength for me, I have no idea what I wld do without him. I'm so lucky that I have someone who is supportive and understands.

If you think you can, I wld really try to talk about it with your bf. It feels so good to let it all go..and hopefully he will help you through it all...Its so hard to do it alone.

Well yesterday was 6 months in..6 frkn months and still I breakout. Friday I completely and utterly lost meltdown. I was breaking out all week, but things seemed to be healing. I looked in the mirror and had 2 new spots forming..wth??? I just lost it. I called derm and begged to be able to come in for shots..I just did not feel like watching new chit grow on my face all weekend. I got in and got my shots. I was crying like a baby, I kind of felt ridiculous but i'm so emotionally spent. Its heartwrenching to be on this med for 6 months and not have any real consistency. I feel like I'm going to be damned w bad skin forever..i just don't have anymore options.

She was very understanding..She let me vent. We decided to up my dose to 125 and take it from there. I'm not too excited abt it, I really wanted to stay at 100mg but I just don't know what else to do. It makes me so sad when I remember I couldn't wait til the 3 month mark bc I thought my skin wld be clear. When I hit the 3 month mark I was like ok...I cant wait til 6 month mark, bc i'm sure i'll definitely be clear then. Well here it is and I still have no relief. Last month my skin was doing really well, its so hard to understand why it wld go back to crap...sighhhh

So today my skin is doing well..I got my shots Friday and nothing new came up..yayyy. The only problem is one of the shots didn't seem to work that well. I get these lumps..they are nuggets..its like the pimple is filled with solid matter, not pus. When I get these kind shot..the swelling goes down some but the stupid nugget just stays there..its so frkn annoying. This one still feels a little swollen and is red, not sure what i'm going to do w it. Besides that my skin is looking good, my red marks are healing fast, I think bc I haven't had something absolutely huge on my face so they aren't damaging the skin like my old cysts did. Saturday morning I felt like I looked like I had chicken pox..but today the red spots have faded nicely. All my spots lately have been mostly on chin, moustache area and laugh lines. I haven't gotten anything on my cheeks or forehead. Couple of years ago I only got cysts on my left cheek, its funny how my acne has totally changed areas. Being someone who has suffered from cystic acne on cheeks and chin, I much rather have it on my chin. They seem to heal faster on my chin.

Well sladnacne, I really hope spiro starts kicking in for us. I'm not going to give up and I really hope you don't either. I have read a lot where it has taken upto a year to finally have some consistency. Maybe this month will be our lucky month :)...Please keep me updated on your progress!!

girl1777 liked

Posted : 03/09/2015 10:47 am

Ladies hang in there!! This month marks 5 months I've been on 100 mg of Spiro. I'm slowly seeing improvements. I was actually cleared on 50 mg for 5 months then Wham! break out after break out so my derm bumped to 100. Its frustrating beyond belief!!!!! I'm even taking 100mg of Minocycline once a day for the IB but nope that's not stopping all these zits from forming. I found myself crying a week ago over my skin as well!!!! I hope Spiro starts to work for all of us, I'm out of options! I had to stop my birth control a month ago as well so I really hope my hormones don't get even more messed up!


Posted : 03/09/2015 1:22 pm

I'm not sure if our post-cyst nuggets are similar, but here's what i did to get rid of one of mine recently. I had this cyst injected 3 times, and it continued to be inflamed and risen, it would go up and down so as it would go up I would freak out that it was becoming a full-blown cyst again. the other day, i decided to just slightly poke it with a very fine needle. and so much liquid (pretty much clear) erupted out of it like it was under a lot of pressure. It went down a bit, then again the other day i poked a bit and a little came out, and now it's completely flat

and thanks for the advice about opening up to my bf. I have definitely cried to him about it, but am still too scared to let him see my full face without makeup when things flare up. He claims he doesn't care, and deep down I know it won't change anything, but I have such deep insecurities about it that I'm worried he'll see me the way that I see myself. I guess maybe with time it'll get easier


Posted : 03/18/2015 12:13 pm

Hey all--

Just wanted to stop by and wish you all well! This is incredibly frustrating, but I really do think that spiro will work, and that with time there will be more clear days than days filled with break-outs. I have found having a good support system is what really helps me. My mom is the best, she helps me through it when I am frustrated and crying because I got the sh!t genes out of my siblings (they all are gorgeous with perfect skin). Some days are definitely harder than others. I think, more than anything, I have learned the art of patiences through all of this. Prayers and thoughts with you shadylee, hoping you are staying clear!


Posted : 03/18/2015 2:21 pm

I got my derm to give me something besides Minocycline to help with this awful IB im having. He prescribed me E.E.S 400mg twice a day, it took a week to work but its working! Not sure how much longer I could of held out with the rate I was going. Minocycline was working great but like other meds it stopped working for me. To top it off I had to stop bc a month ago so my hormones are mad at me lol .........Praying we all see better skin days soon!!!!


Posted : 03/23/2015 4:54 pm

Well I wish I could say my skin is doing great, but nope, it sucks!!

Past few weeks have been hell. I keep breaking out and running to the derm for shots. UGGGGHHH!! I feel like I'm right back where I started. Totally sucks....6 1/2 months and basically no improvement. My anxiety is back strong as ever and i'm back to crying just about everyday.

I got my period 5 days early this month, I guess bc of the upped dosage. My period ended a few days ago and I'm spotting again. Now I'm not sure if I want to stay on 125 or go back to 100. I'm at such a loss on what to do anymore. I'm about to cave in and ask for some antibiotics, but just really scared bc of my tinnitus. I also feel like if my skin does clear on antibiotics i'll always be terrified of coming off. I was on antibiotics a couple of years ago for a very long time and my ear doctor suspects that's what caused my tinnitus. I also had thrush and it took forever to clear up, I'm just not sure if I want to open that can of worms again..I'm just so desperate though.

I keep telling myself my "magical" time will come, but I have to say i'm getting quite discouraged. I would think by the 6 month mark I would have some kind of improvement..sighhh.

My hubby and I went to Atlantic City on Friday and got back today. When we got there on Friday I got an appointment with a derm I used there before. How pathetic is it that I need to get shots when i'm on vacation? I now have a derm in New Orleans, Atlantic City and 2 at home. It would be freakin fantastic not to have to obsess abt my skin every time I go away.

The shots went well but of course in the last couple of days had new crap come..I swear I'm going to have a nervous breakdown.

Well I guess that's enough complaining for one day..Please let month 7 be the magical month!

I hope you ladies are doing better than me!


Posted : 03/24/2015 7:40 pm

Sending so many hugs your way Shadylee! I know it is so rough, and it sucks. No other way of really saying it. It just sucks.

I do think things will get better. The body is constantly changing, and I do think Spiro takes awhile to adjust. I think it will work for you though, I really do. The waiting game is the worst part. Hang in there, and I am here for whatever support you need!


Posted : 03/29/2015 9:08 am

Hey everyone,

The dose I took was 100. Yes, I have had my potassium retested and it is back in the normal range. The strange heart palpitations and muscle spasm has stopped. However, my acne is back. It is awful. It took about a month to get cystic acne again. My chest is broken out my face is back to breaking out again. IT is so disappointing. My back has been okay, the retin-a works well on my back and holds acne at bay pretty well in that area.

Topical treatments do almost nothing for my skin everywhere else. I am looking into new medications since my problem is clearly internal and hormonal. I am scared of Yaz since I have a strong association with stroke and heart attacks at a young age with hormone replacement therapy.

I can't live like this though. They said i would be a candidate for accutane. I am terrified of the laundry list of side effects though.

I am spending tons more money on products and it takes me about an hour to get my face on in the morning to cover this bull shit. lol..I have found a nice mask that helps calm the breakouts after they start but doesn't do anything to stop them from happening. The Bliss Multi-'Face'-Eted All-In-One Anti-Aging Clay Mask

Helps me calm down the skin after a breakout, if you guys wanted to try i will leave the link below.
Now I need to try something new but im not sure where to go from here. I am terrified to have another reaction. All of the other medications are considered "more dangerous" than Spiro. Spiro is usually well tolerated but it wasn't with me. It worked beautifully for my skin but it was killing me. Hopefully you guys have a better experience with it than I did.

Good luck girls.


Posted : 04/03/2015 10:31 am

For about two weeks, I was pretty much acne free except for a few superficial white heads here and there. Things were starting to clear up and I was really hopeful, and then this past week I've been breaking out in 1-2 deep pimples everyday. I'm at my 4.5 month mark, and thought I could finally put this all behind me. For those two weeks where I didn't break out, I felt this huge weight lifted from my shoulders. Now I'm back to having actual nightmares about breakouts at night, and waking up in the morning depressed bc the nightmares have become a reality. It's absolutely heartbreaking. I feel so broken. Yet, as we all know here, there's nothing I can do but wait because there are no other treatment options left to try. So devastating


Posted : 04/04/2015 6:58 am

Hi girls :),

Well I'm probably going to totally regret saying this, anytime I do I jinx myself, but here goes...I haven't had a breakout for 8 days which is a complete miracle. I cant remember the last time I went this long, how sad is that. I went and got a cortisone shot on March 27th and I have been fine since. I actually went to a brand new derm bc I was getting so frustrated. I also wld love to have everything with one derm. I've been going to one derm for my scrip for spiro and another one for shots. I wanted to find one that cld give good shots and prescribe spiro. I think I'm going to stay with this new derm. She took a ton of time with me but really had nothing new to add. She did recommend photo dynamic therapy, she says she has pretty good success with it. Even though its quite expensive I might try it if I start to breakout again. She also said if I wanted to try Accutane again she wld put me on a low dose, but I'm way too terrified to try that again. I do feel if i'm still breaking out after a full year on spiro, I will put some great thought into super low dose of Accutane. I'm praying this is finally my miracle moment..but we shall see.

Kirks...i'm so sorry you're having a hard time, it totally sucks. It's so frustrating that most women do so well on spiro and yet we are still having problems. Maybe you should try birth control? My gyno says spiro works a lot better if you're on it. Unfortunately it's not an option for me bc of my age. Maybe a higher dose of spiro? I know Accutane is a scary thing but perhaps a low dose if all else fails..I know how hard it is to deal with all of this, and its so hard to make decisions about the options. There's so much to weigh out w side effects etc. It's also so hard when you finally do make a decision to try something and you don't see results.

Justtfx..I'm happy to hear your potassium level is back in range. I'm so sorry your acne is back..totally sucks. It also sucks that we are running out of options. Maybe low dose Accutane wld be good. You can always stop it if side effects get bad..

Sladnacne..I totally understand what you're going through. I think it was abt my 3 month mark and I had like 3 weeks of being clear. It felt so frkn good. I thought finally I'm going to be clear. I started to breakout again month 4 and have basically been breaking out since. I'll get a few days here and there of nothing, but something new seems to pop up. My anxiety was just so out of hand a couple of weeks ago, acne really F's you up. I hope better days are ahead of us!

I had upped my dose to 125 but I went back down to 100. I was getting side effects on 125..My period was all out of whack and I felt like I was in a haze. I'm going to stick w 100. In 4 days I'll be on spiro 7 months, I can't believe it. Right now my skin is doing really good, but unfortunately I have a very hard time believing it will stick. Whenever I get excited it bites me in the ass. The big test will be when I get my period again..I always break out horrifically at the end of my period, so we shall see...

I really hope we all find consistently clear skin soon!!!

Valerie44 liked

Posted : 04/05/2015 11:13 am


So glad to hear things are going well!


fingers crossed



Posted : 04/12/2015 7:52 am

Well, I'm completely miserable.

Last week my face was doing pretty good. I was getting small stuff, but they wld be gone in like 2 days. Wasn't bad at all and I was feeling pretty good. Yesterday morning I got a larger bump. It kind of upset me bc its just so frustrating to always having something on my face. I was dealing with it ok though. My husband and I went out for an early dinner and drinks. We live right in a town so we have tons of restaurants and bars right at our feet. We actually went to a couple of bars and I got pretty drunk, had a great time.

When I got home went to wash my face and couldn't believe it. 3 new large bumps..3!!! WTH??? My face is a mess. I picked and poked at one, it was out of stupid. Now besides breaking out horribly I have a nice scab on my stupid. The picking was completely out of anxiety. My face hasn't looked this bad in awhile. I also have 2 small spots on each side of my nose..I haven't broken out near my nose in forever.

Needless to say im anxiety ridden right now. Being super hungover doesn't help either, makes my anxiety even worse. I'm sitting in bed right now actually terrified to wash my face, its so heartbreaking. Thank god we have no plans today. I woke up at 3am and had quite the cry, I was a little hysterical, I couldn't help it. I'm going to be a lazy bum today. I am not looking in the mirror at all today, it makes me too upset. I'm just going to try to chill.

I'm over 7 months in. I don't know what to do at this point. I'm so upset that spiro isn't working for me. I'm going to stay on it, I really don't have other options. If this continues I'm going to try PDT..I'm so sick of crying, I'm so sick of the anxiety. Its so heartbreaking that whenever I have a glimmer of hope, it all goes to crap. I'm sooooo over this.

Well hoping everyone is doing better than me! Here's to hopefully month 8 will be my time, lol.


Posted : 04/13/2015 6:38 pm

I'm pretty sure this is the lowest I've felt..How does my skin go from doing so well to utter bottom? I am breaking out horrendously and new spots seem to appear by the hour..I swear i'm having a complete breakdown.

I scoured the spiro threads today to make me feel better..and guess what? I seemed to find the worst ones. I found like 4 today where the women were taking spiro for over a year and still broke out all the time. One thread made me really depressed. She was on spiro for 16 months and had upped her dose to 200mg for the last 4 months and it still did nothing. She did so many other things, including PDT and she still broke out. I just feel like I am going to live like this for the rest of my life. I am frkn 47 soon to be 48 and I have the worst skin I ever had. Nothing helps. I actually see where women in their 60s still suffer. My hubby always tells me that wont be you..It won't?? It seems i'm right on track, nothing ever seems to help. I seem to be in that small percentage where for some reason nothing helps.

I just can't even explain how I feel right now. I had the highest hopes for spiro, its so devastating that it isn't working. Where do I go from here? I truly don't know. I have the worst attitude right now. I feel like nothing will work. This has been going on for 30 years, that's just freaky!

I know i'm whining but jeez today was just a horrible horrible day. I'm going to make an appointment for shots somtime this week. I didn't go today bc I was actually too embarrassed by my picking the other night. I have quite the scab happening on my face, its nasty. I'm going to try to hold out til Friday since new stuff seems to keep appearing....that way I might have an ok weekend..

Well I'm thinking that's enough self pity for now...I just really needed to vent, cry and let it all out..I feel so crushed right now


Posted : 04/14/2015 5:45 am

Oh, I'm sorry to hear you've had a hard time! Acne can really suck the life out of you. :( I wouldn't give up on spiro yet if I were you though, hormonal acne takes forever to clear out. In my experience when I've been on the pill (or pregnant, which also cleared me), my acne has only fully gone away after about 8-9 months, until then I've been prone to very bad breakouts, even though they started to become less frequent after a few months and pretty rare (but not non-existent) towards the end of that time. I'm sure it can take even longer for some, so I would try it for at least a year before giving up, assuming you can wait it out without being too stressed about your skin.

Are you trying anything else besides spiro to help with your acne? I think it would be a good idea to try topicals to help with the inflammation, so you don't have to live with new emerging bumps that can be really stressful. Or oral antibiotics are an option too, but they wreak havoc on your gut flora, so topicals would be better in that sense. BP and topical Dalacin (which needs a prescription, at least where I live in Europe) have both worked great for me (BP in small amounts allover acne-prone skin to prevent cysts and Dalacin as a spot treatment to heal breakouts). They're not a cure, but they could help with the symptoms while you wait for spiro to do its thing (assuming it does work, fingers crossed!).


Posted : 04/14/2015 6:13 am

Hi Austra,

Tysm for the support. I'm definitely going to give spiro a year. It just sucks so much that I'm breaking out so horrendously. Woke up to 2 more spots. I'm a bundle of anxiety. I'm going to try to get appointment for shots tomorrow. I wish I had the strength to go today, I just don't. I'm so emotionally broken right now. I'm also going to set up the PDT. I'm a little nervous about PDT but at this point I'll try anything.

I do use clindamycin and tazorac. Yesterday I ordered BP from Hope it gets here fast!

I can't believe what my skin looks like right now. My chin is an absolute mess, 3 large cysts and some smaller crap too. I'm also broken out around my nose, I don't ever breakout there. It's just so bizarre to me..why is my skin freaking out? Why am I breaking out in a spot that I never do?

I didn't get good sleep at all last night. I feel like total crap. It's so stupid but its like I'm terrified to leave my bedroom. I just want to feel normal again


Posted : 04/14/2015 5:12 pm

Hi Shady Lee. I've been a silent follower of your log for a while and I feel you on the ups and downs of acne treatment. I am 4 months into my topical regimen and in the midst of some nasty inflamed and painful acne. You are definitely not alone and In spite of what the mirror is saying, you're a beautiful person! Definitely stick it through to the one year mark then revisit the drawing board if things are not as consistent.


I think for many of us, it's about finding something that gives us more good days than bad versus finding our holy grail. In the interim, be kind to yourself, keep busy, stay in touch with friends and remember that you are more.....


I'll be praying for you girl


Posted : 04/15/2015 6:51 pm

Tysm Leelowe for the support and kind words!!

I'm doing a little better today. Nothing new on my face, for that I'm grateful. Things are healing. I have an appointment on Friday for shots, would be nice if I didn't need them, we shall see.

Hopefully my skin is back on track and I can enjoy some clearance. We shall see!


Posted : 04/16/2015 7:24 am

Hi Shadylee,


I debated if I should post since I am kinda new to this forum. I feel so bad for you but I want to tell you I totally understand. I am 45 and I have acne since I was 13. I just finished a 9-month course of accutane and I still breakout throughout my course and after. My anxiety has gone through the roof and it is affecting my work, my family and my life. I feel for you, I really really hope that spiro will work for you.

shadylee liked

Posted : 04/17/2015 4:40 pm

Hi Mayflower,

Ty for the post :). I totally understand about the anxiety. Lately I have been letting it affect my life too, totally sucks. I went to get my shots today, besides the old stuff I had a new doozy forming near my nose kind of in the moustache area. I got 5 shots altogether :(. The one by my nose tho I don't think is going to work. Its one of those solid ones and I don't think the derm penetrated the cyst, sighhhh. Its hurting now, its totally bumming me out. I've been hiding out in my house for a week, its getting depressing.

Next week I'm either going to start with peels or PDT. I you tubed PDT and it looks a little intense, but at this point i'd put toothpick in my eyes if I thought it wld work. I'm thinkinking I wld try to hold over with peels till September, that way I don't have to be a freak about the sun. We shall see.

It ends up one my husband's friends works at a derm's office and she does PDT. I have never met her but my husband says she's a total sweetheart. We are going to talk to her tonight and hopefully she can give me honest opinion on what I should do. I have a really poor attitude right now thinking nothing will work for me. I have to try though.

It totally stinks living like a zombie. Its like I don't look forward to anything anymore bc I know I'll probably end up cancelling. My hubby and I are going to Atlantic City in 2 weeks to celebrate his birthday. I can't even get excited bc it seems like every time I go away my skin goes completely haywire.

I'm usually in a better mood when I get shots, but the one spot I really wanted it to work on seems like its going to be complete failure. Also my face is so marked up, I just feel blechhh. I'm going to have to live thru the weekend with this stupid big red lump that hurts. Then have to make another appointment to get it re-shot. I'm so freaking over this.

Well that's my self pity rant for the day!


Posted : 04/18/2015 8:04 am

Another day...Another cyst...


Posted : 04/30/2015 7:33 pm

Well..I'm sure I'll be sorry I posted this, bc it's always a jinx..but here it goes....My skin is clear!!


I haven't had any kind of pimple for a week, its unbelievable.


It's so bizarre I started to feel a big difference in my skin last week, it just felt different..less oily..its like it happened overnight.


I've been on 125mg for 12 days. I'm guessing that's why the sudden change, but who knows. Maybe it just took 7 1/2 months for spiro to finally kick in. I am definitely staying on 125 tho. A couple of months ago I had tried 125 and had side effects. This time around no side effects...Yayyy!


I'm going to kick myself in the butt for posting this if I start breaking out again! But jeez I do feel like I am having that miracle moment..Keeping fingers crossed!

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