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The answers I got from my doctor about hair loss

anyone, please tell me if anythink or rogaine or finesteride or steroid or ketoconazole or the combination of any two/three of them has been seen beneficial in accutane induced hair shedding.   i...

In forum Prescription acne medications

13 years ago
The answers I got from my doctor about hair loss

Well, its official. Taking accutane for 9 days has officially fucked up my life for good. I have a bald spot that will probably be similar to Manu Ginobili's in another year. Fuck everything. My appea...

In forum Prescription acne medications

13 years ago
Dry red eyes from Accutane? Temporary?

It may or may not be permanent, depends on how much you take. Considering it's your second course, I'd say you problably have a bigger chance of permanent effects.

In forum Prescription acne medications

13 years ago