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Anyone tried the products/regime?

On ‎12‎/‎18‎/‎2015‎ ‎5‎‎10‎, OCroft98 said: Awesome! 🙂 I just placed an order, can't wait to start the regime. Glad to hear yours is getting better, goodbye acne woohoo!!! Thank you 🙂 Y...

In forum The Regimen

8 years ago
Yasmin advice needed!

It took 3 months to notice that the cystic acne was slowing down and by the 4th month it was pretty much gone. I still had whiteheads and broke out a little but the cysts stopped appearing. Also my ba...

In forum Prescription acne medications

8 years ago
Yasmin advice needed!

I started yasmin last January and for the first 2-3 months I was on it I broke out with cystic acne but then gradually it got better. I think this happens with almost every birth control if you switch...

In forum Prescription acne medications

8 years ago
Anyone tried the products/regime?

I am at the end of my 4th week on the regimen (started on November 20th). Your acne may get worse before it gets better but mine is definitely getting better now! I still have some clogged pores but t...

In forum The Regimen

8 years ago
Successful Strategies to stop Picking?

There are some good tips there that I saw.

In forum Skin picking

8 years ago
Back Acne Help (Pics)

Dr. Songs Medicated Acne Gel 10% Benzoyl Peroxide from Amazon. Worked for me

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

8 years ago
Chest Acne That Won't Go Away?!

Hopefully the original post has found a solution by now but for anyone else that is reading this with chest and/or back acne I'll tell you what cured mine. I bought Dr. Songs Acne Medicated Gel from A...

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

8 years ago
Almost In 6Th Week Of Regimen...still Not Working?

On ‎12‎/‎13‎/‎2015‎ ‎8‎‎16â€...

In forum The Regimen

8 years ago
Almost In 6Th Week Of Regimen...still Not Working?

Thank you for your response and encouraging me! I'm still going at it. I have three cysts right now that are healing so I'm hoping this is close to the end of the cysts. They are so painful! They seem...

In forum The Regimen

8 years ago
Almost In 6Th Week Of Regimen...still Not Working?

Acnerealllllyyysucks, I'm wondering if you stuck with the regimen and have had success? I am almost at the end of week 3 and developing cysts as well (I used to rarely ever get cysts). Just looking fo...

In forum The Regimen

8 years ago
Cerave SA lotion before BP

Its been almost two weeks so it is probably just the adjustment time. I was just curious if anyone had used cerave SA lotion or moisturized before the bp with success.

In forum The Regimen

9 years ago
Cosmetic induced acne and the regimen

How do you know its cosmetic? I'm kind of wondering the same thing because I have clogged pores all around my mouth/chin that I think might be caused by my years of wearing makeup. Hope you get an ans...

In forum The Regimen

9 years ago
Cerave SA lotion before BP

Hello Everybody, I've been reading things on for a while but I'm just now really trying the regimen. After I wash my face with Cerave foaming wash at night my skin is so dry that its painf...

In forum The Regimen

9 years ago
bathingsuits that have backs covered?

Just in case anyone comes on here loooking for more recent bikinis that cover your upper back I found two cute ones:

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

9 years ago
AHA and Ziana OK?

I was considering trying Ziana and Dan's AHA and was wondering how it worked for you. Thanks

In forum Prescription acne medications

9 years ago
Ziana Questions.

Tnorm: I have been on Ziana for about 2 1/2 months and my face is looking really good. Only 1 pimple that you can barely see (yay!). At first I was using it every night and it dried my skin out way to...

In forum Prescription acne medications

9 years ago
Working on getting rid of bacne/chestne with Tea Tree Oil

I just started putting tea tree oil that I bought from wal mart on an area on my lower back with an annoying group of pimples. I put tea tree oil on and then Dan's AHA right after, I've only done it 3...

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

11 years ago