Forum Replies Created

New To The Regime

Hello long time no post. Update I am still getting zits. Not suprised. I mean a this point at 7 weeks i think i'm at i should still have acne. I usually get 2 at a time. As the last one is healing u...

In forum The Regimen logs

11 years ago
Adding Aha+ To My Regimen

I guess its been a little while since i last wrote. Update Since the Wednesday that just past i have decided to use the 1/2 AHA and 1/2 moisturizer everyday. In combination with the Neutrogena Deep...

In forum products

11 years ago
New To The Regime

Hello. Quick update. So i bought a new night moisturizer. Its the Neutrogena Deep Moisture Night Cream. I used it tonight and it went on great, smells great, and feels great. BUT, it makes my face wa...

In forum The Regimen logs

11 years ago
Adding Aha+ To My Regimen

Hello again! So i used the AHA last night 1/2 and 1/2 with my moisturizer. I thought it might sting but didn't which was great. I did feel slightly itchy on my jaw line. I think there might have been...

In forum products

11 years ago
New To The Regime

Week 5 Well hello everyone! I just got my AHA in the mail today. I'm going to apply it tonight. I'm going to do the 1/2 and 1/2 for 3 days a week. Not sure if i want to do it every other day or do i...

In forum The Regimen logs

11 years ago
Adding Aha+ To My Regimen

Yay i have received my AHA+ today in the mail. I will start using it tonight. Its exactly 5 weeks since i have started using the regimen. People who are reading this wish me luck with it.   I m...

In forum products

11 years ago
Adding Aha+ To My Regimen

Its been a month and my skin still burns after i apply moisturizer to my skin after bp. When i start using the AHA i wonder how much my skin will burn lol. Because i know both make your skin burn. Oh...

In forum products

11 years ago
Adding Aha+ To My Regimen

Here are some before AHA pictures. Most of what you see is hyper pigmentation (dark spots). Right now i only have 1 zit which is on my nose. The other red spots you see are not active.

In forum products

11 years ago
New To The Regime

Photo 1 is before i started the regimen and photo 2 is 1 month of using the regimen. Same for the others. In the 1 month photos you really only see one zit. I know there are other red spots, but those...

In forum The Regimen logs

11 years ago
Adding Aha+ To My Regimen

Hello all, I'm not new to but i am new to AHA+. I haven't started using it yet, i just ordered some today. Hopefully it will arrive within a week. I've been on the Regimen for 4 weeks now. B...

In forum products

11 years ago
New To The Regime

Week 4 (day 28) Before i get into how things are going. I just bought the Cerave PM moisturizer. It seems to ball up when i apply it after the BP. I read that other people are having this experience....

In forum The Regimen logs

11 years ago
New To The Regime

Week 3 (day 21) Almost to a month! And also now going to be using a full fingers length of BP. I would say that i haven't really noticed any real change that last time i posted. Some zits have gone ...

In forum The Regimen logs

11 years ago
New To The Regime

2 Weeks (Day 14) Well hello everyone, It's been 2 weeks! A couple of things have happened this week. First off, i didn't break out like i thought i would. BUT, who knows maybe the big bad breakout...

In forum The Regimen logs

11 years ago
New To The Regime

Day 9 Damnit i picked my skin today!!! Not much to say today except that my skin is burning a bit more after i apply the bp. I get a little pink on my cheeks next to my nose as well but thats it. A...

In forum The Regimen logs

11 years ago
New To The Regime

You're doing great so far, keep it up! In terms of retinoids, I've tried just about every single one that a derm can prescribe, lol...they work okay but it's just a spot treatment method so I find it ...

In forum The Regimen logs

11 years ago
Flagg's Regimen Log [Pics]

Looks like you have come a long way so far, but also looks like things are working out for you really well! Reading your log has given me motivation.

In forum The Regimen logs

11 years ago
New To The Regime

Week 2 (Day 8) So Today is the day i start using the bp morning and night. I have already done so this morning. My face feels like it was burning a little longer then usual but nothing too bad. I've...

In forum The Regimen logs

11 years ago
New To The Regime

Day 7 Well it is officially a week since i started the regime. So for the first week not too much happened. I got a couple actives. I think maybe 4. But most are going away quickly. My chin and aroun...

In forum The Regimen logs

11 years ago
New To The Regime

Day 5 Not much has happened these past 5 days. Not that i expected much. My face has burned a little bit after applying bp to my face. One thing that is slightly annoying is that when i'm applying th...

In forum The Regimen logs

11 years ago
New To The Regime

Day 1 (last night) Cleanser - It lathered really well which i was happy about and it didn't have much of a smell to it. To me it smells like a hospital lol or like soap that might be at a hospital. I...

In forum The Regimen logs

11 years ago
New To The Regime

I remember how excited I was when I first got Dan's products, haha...gotta love it! Wishing you lots of luck and a smooth start. Thanks so much. I started following your progress. I strongly reco...

In forum The Regimen logs

11 years ago
New To The Regime

Welcome to the club!! Please be sure to follow the instructions for the regimen to the T and be consistent. You will see results in no time if you stick with it and don't get discouraged... Best of lu...

In forum The Regimen logs

11 years ago
New To The Regime

Yay i finally got Dan's products in the mail today! I will update later tonight to let whoever reads this know what i think of trying them for the first time.

In forum The Regimen logs

11 years ago
New To The Regime

So i thought i'd show what my face looks like before i start the regime. Most of what you see is scaring. Which makes my face look a lot worse then it actually is lol. Most of the red you see aren't a...

In forum The Regimen logs

11 years ago
New To The Regime

Hello again, Still waiting on my regime delivery. Skin update: My skin seems to be getting better even though i haven't tried the regime yet. The products i'm using right now i really don't think wo...

In forum The Regimen logs

11 years ago