Forum Replies Created

Vitamins Making Acne Worse?

I have had a lot of success treating me acne. The most success I've had is with benzoyl peroxide. I've gone from 10-20 blemishes at a time to absolutely nothing as long as i used it daily when i was...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
Just Finished Fraxel Laser Treatment

$300 is a really good price, was that for your entire face? Lowest price ive ever been quoted is $600 although i live in vancouver, Canada and anything cosmetic is ridiculously overpriced here.

In forum Scar treatments

9 years ago
Vitamin D Cured My Chronic Cystic Acne In 1 Month

Vitamin D is essential for health. It's actually not a vitamin, it's a hormone. But low levels of vitamin D has been proven to increase cardiovascular risk and breast cancer risk. More health issues a...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

9 years ago