Forum Replies Created

Recovering my skin

Hum well I have to say that I'm a little upset right now. I made a rewind about the days I got a better skin and I found something interesting and weird at the same time: My skin got better as I fell ...

In forum Personal logs

7 years ago
Recovering my skin

Hi everyone! I recently broke out after having a very good clear year (since my last post I had maybe like 6 months clear :D) wich makes me very sad, It's hard to have lots of white heads around your...

In forum Personal logs

7 years ago
Recovering my skin

On 30 de noviembre de 2016 at 7:09 AM, shmilyM said: I don't understand what are the differences between eyaculation & masturbation?  I have suffered from hormona...

In forum Personal logs

7 years ago
Recovering my skin

Almost 2 months after my last post! I can for sure, say that my problem is hormonal and bacterial, after these 2 months I have been almost clear and after try and error, I notice when, I eyaculate to ...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Recovering my skin

Hi ya! Well things are really weird, some days I got a pustule that last for only a day (I'm ok with that) and yesterday I got a big pimple in one cheek and this hasn't happened like 4 years or more! ...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Recovering my skin

.-. today I feel really bad and I don't have someone to talk to, so I will just write about it down here even if no-one reads. Like a week ago I meet some girl in Facebook, she's so cool and we have b...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Recovering my skin

Hi! Things are going the best! since my last update I just get like hmmm... like no pustules! in all this whole time and guess what? I found the solution at least for my case. Stress is the problem. S...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Recovering my skin

n.n thinks are getting better! Well I have to say that stress is the cause of my problem, I have been working in my emotional problems and other things and my life is reestablishing again  ...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Recovering my skin

Recap. Well I have been in bad shape like 1 and a half month since I got my knee injury, so I found some patterns that are helping me out to figure whats wrong and why I'm just stuck. These days I hav...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Recovering my skin

Well thing are going weird I notice that yes, My problem isn't that bad as before, I have like 2 pustules each 2 days wich they gone themselves after other 2 days, but thats it, I'm not clearing like...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Recovering my skin

So far so good... 2 week update Well its working... I have been on good sexual habits since my last post I just eyaculate 2 times in these 2 weeks! and from 4 pustules everyday today I only got 1 ne...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Recovering my skin

Hmm ok. I got 4 pustules from yesterday form today... Why? Well this may sound weird but, I found that can be appearing due to hormone troubles, maybe this is a little controversial but I have ben ...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Recovering my skin

On 12 de junio de 2016 at 0:04 PM, leelowe1 said: Good Luck.  Your first picture looks like folliculitis.  Have you ever used Nizoral shampoo (ingredient in head and sho...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Recovering my skin

uuuuhm it's been a long time since I don't write but well, problem still persist, I just quit Doxycycline because I was getting a lot of pain in muscles and joints wich was a side effect, specially I ...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Recovering my skin

Well, been a long time I don't write, because I was super good after use that doxycycline after 3 days the difference was astounding :p but the problems returned since I finish my 30 days of taking th...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Recovering my skin

Well, it's been a super week for me, I have to regret about the DT, because I'm almost clear, yeah I have like 2 or 4 pustules but, compared with last week it's super good, even I haven't touched my f...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Recovering my skin

Well I have done some research and I found that whey protein can cause acne, also coconut oil, and I have to say that my income of the two products became increased since 1 and a half month with coinc...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Recovering my skin

Well I'm back from the DT, but I'm not convinced at all, they prescribed me "Granudoxy" one each 24 hours and a PB cream, I don't think it was good overall, Why? Well, I was expecting more like a biop...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Making Changes

Keep it up bro! I know how it feels, make that change for you, It will make a better version of you!

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Recovering my skin

I everyone: Has been a long month since I breakout in white small pimples, and it's just painful to my self esteem, I had to cancel some cool things I wanna do, I just began to pass throug...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago
Chronic Folliculitis - Water only again...(with pics)

Hello! I'm only here to say thanks to you, because since like 1 month ago I start to breakup in this time of pimples, at the beginning, I say to me: "Oh crap, I break out again into acne :'(" because...

In forum Personal logs

8 years ago