Forum Replies Created

laser hair removal

Perfect! thank you so much! my Aunty got me a gift voucher for chrissy hopefully i can extend it! cheers

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago
laser hair removal

Hi Guys, I'm on accutane 30 mg /day and have been for about 4 months. I was wondering if I could have laser hair removal or is it a no go for all of that whilst on accutane? cheers Carly

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago
my accutane journey/ 19yo female

Yeah just trust in it  seems so cliche to say but it's the truth. I have just heard some horror stories about facials on it! - a gentle steam one may be alright  yeah that's wh...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

8 years ago
my accutane journey/ 19yo female

hey! i was on 10 mg/ day for the first month and now only increased to 20 mg/ day! If you get a facial remember to tell them your on accutane - it can drastically change how your skin will react to t...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

8 years ago
Accutane 10mg

Hey Becca, Im in Australia too, i think they like to start at a lower dose here! I was on 10 mg per day for a month until my second appt where my derm increased it to 20 mg /day. I'm 20 and 63kg fem...

In forum Prescription acne medications

8 years ago
Questions regarding breakout after drinking ++

Hey!  I'm on 20 mg/ day, my makeup makes my skin even worse so sleeping with make up probably would have caused the break out. I have also noticed that when i drink it is worse too. so i a...

In forum Prescription acne medications

8 years ago
Accutane and itchy skin

Hi Guys! Im in my second week, my skin has broken out so bad! and its so so itchy! can anything help? 'm moisturising twice daily too Thanks ! x

In forum Prescription acne medications

8 years ago
Accutane and Makeup Struggles

Hey! I found using moisturiser and primer really helped with a liquid foundation!, i moisturise in the morning, when i get home from work after i wash my face and then again before bed. Im on my sec...

In forum Prescription acne medications

8 years ago
Accutane and alcohol

so glad you asked this, im on the same dose and have a few events coming up that i wanted to drink at!

In forum Prescription acne medications

8 years ago