Forum Replies Created

Red/Pink Marks Help!

Hi, keep the area moist and apply me deema, vitamin E, or Aloe every few hours. It could take a few months to fade

In forum Hyperpigmentation - red/dark marks

8 years ago
How to fix a week old scar with a shallow indent...

It's hard to tell without a picture. Mederma, vitamin E, Aloe, anything to keep the skin moist. Pink skin means it's still healing, just be patient

In forum Scar treatments

8 years ago
Accutane questions, body acne scarring. Pics

Hi there, Accutane itself won't heal the scars, but it will allow your body to heal the scars once the acne goes into remission. After Accutane you can have other treatments for the scars like chemica...

In forum Scar treatments

8 years ago