Forum Replies Created

Scars On Face And Blemishes

While retin a can make your skin look "nicer", it wont do anything for those scars, nor will a lactic peel. I don't really see a whole lot of discolouration to be honest. In my opinion lasers and/or s...

In forum Scar treatments

10 years ago
Help With Severe Acne Scarring

Look forward to the fact that you can do scar treatments very soon, and that each individual scar appears to be somewhat shallow. My research suggests co2 laser and subcision+filler for the deeper rol...

In forum Scar treatments

10 years ago
*pics* Bad Post Inflammatory Hyper-Pigmentation

From the pictures it doesn't look that bad. Your skin color hides it decently well anyways. I would go for retin a if I were you but its going to be a long shitty road, not gonna lie. Expect to see re...

In forum Scar treatments

10 years ago
I'm On Accutane,redness And Flaring Hasnt Stopped Yet.

My face was pretty red for the first 3 months but my skin eventually got used to it. I wouldn't worry about it too much your skin looks pretty good. It really does not look like rosacea at all, to mys...

In forum Scar treatments

11 years ago
Ipl Experiences?

I just had my second treatment about an hour ago. I wasnt expecting much for the first, only to be pleasantly surprised by how well it worked. It takes a couple days before you can assess how well it ...

In forum Scar treatments

11 years ago
skin quality after accutane

The simple truth is that accutane is the shit, and very few people experience side effects to such a degree that they have to stop. Dont be scared by the things that livetoregret is saying. She took a...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
My Accutane Experience.(With Pictures)

That is absolutely outrageous. Do you have any indentations or anything, or just redness?

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

11 years ago
Epiduo Queries & Journey

I use differin day and night and I have nothing but good things to say about it. Over the past couple months it has worked well on my scarring and red marks, all of which were less than 6 months old. ...

In forum Personal logs

11 years ago
Apple Vinegar Cider For Redness, Scarring And Oliness?

I wouldn't listen to any of these people that push things like acv for scarring and whatnot, they are usually just fanatics. I have tried pretty much all these things, acv included, and they dont real...

In forum Scar treatments

11 years ago
20 Year Old Female Accutane Journey (Pictures)

So would you say your scarring has gotten better since your last pic or has it stayed about the same?

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

11 years ago