Forum Replies Created

Fermented Cod Liver Oil

its a really good product. take 1.5 tsp. Get the royal butter blend. When i was on it, my skin looked great. Im going back on it. Reason why i stopped was money. Yeah it is expensive. too late i jus...

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
Fermented Cod Liver Oil

its a really good product. take 1.5 tsp. Get the royal butter blend. When i was on it, my skin looked great. Im going back on it. Reason why i stopped was money. Yeah it is expensive. too late i jus...

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
Fermented Cod Liver Oil

Back again... Yay.   for the past month i have been showering my body and face with ONLY water and washing my hair with shampoo as normal but being careful not to get it in places i have acne (t...

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
How To Reduce Testosterone Levels

Oh i see.. Hmmm

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
How To Reduce Testosterone Levels

Yes the zinc in the H&S definately helps! Before i started using it my acne was mild but i wasn't photogenic, so my blemishes ect. Would show up in a photo but since using it my acne has become ev...

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
How To Reduce Testosterone Levels

Well obviously washing with just water isn't going to do anything to my hormones, but yeah in gonna give it a go and if it doesn't clear me atall then i will come back to blaming my hormone levels

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
How To Reduce Testosterone Levels

Hell yeah Dolan Duck! You got it! Haha

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
How To Reduce Testosterone Levels

I suppose i was eating healthier to begin with (say a month) and then after that i asked to be put on the pediatric menu so it was like adult portions of kids meals, fish fingers and the likes.. So i ...

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
How To Reduce Testosterone Levels

I see.. I have been prescribed many antibiotics but doxycyclyne isn't one of them so that's a route i could try but like you said it wont get rid of it forever as it doesn't treat the root cause. als...

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
How To Reduce Testosterone Levels

Woah.. No need to argue :/   danthenewworld i did also get given strong antibiotics. but its really hard for me to tell what cleared my skin as i was in a coma for 2weeks and pumped with drug...

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
How To Reduce Testosterone Levels

See the problem with that is i have epilepsy and therefore take long term medication to control seizures, drinking alcohol is a possibility however doing so is putting myself at risk of having seizure...

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
How To Reduce Testosterone Levels

I see your point, but i don't really want to be sex hungry 24/7, if you are a female then maybe you wouldn't understand :/ i just had a shower and used nothing but the water, and i will do the same ...

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
How To Reduce Testosterone Levels

That could be the reason. But either way it would still be nice to reduce my hormone levels i use head and shoulders classic for both hair, face and body, i feel this has massively decreased the amo...

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
How To Reduce Testosterone Levels

Hi there I'm MALE and would like to know if anyone knows how i can reduce my testosterone levels using natural products from my local health store. i strongly believe my mild acne is caused by high h...

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago

IM wondering if males can take this because i only ever see women talking about it as its a testosterone blocker... Anyone know?

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Colon Cleanse!?

I never suggest any supplements for colon cleansing because they can cause other health issues. I prefer always natural supplements for colon cleansing which give the long lasting results. Generally c...

In forum Diet & holistic health

11 years ago
Colon Cleanse!?

I never suggest any supplements for colon cleansing because they can cause other health issues. I prefer always natural supplements for colon cleansing which give the long lasting results. Generally c...

In forum Diet & holistic health

11 years ago
Pantothenic Acid! Anyone Tried It? Any Hair Loss? Please Help....

Ive tried it, was taking a mega dose, did nothing for my skin and no hair loss

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

11 years ago
Colon Cleanse!?

Hi in wanting to do a colon cleanse using this product or similar from amazon/my local health store its called Optima Healthcare - Advanced Action Colon Cleanse. now lets just say, its just clicked th...

In forum Diet & holistic health

11 years ago
Colon Cleanse!?

Hi in wanting to do a colon cleanse using this product or similar from amazon/my local health store its called Optima Healthcare - Advanced Action Colon Cleanse. now lets just say, its just clicked t...

In forum Diet & holistic health

11 years ago
Head & Shoulders?

I havnt tried the almond oil one i always use the classic clean one and yes it really does help with acne! The main ingredient is zinc pyrithione so if it has that in it then it may work the same.. Ju...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

11 years ago
Reducing The Redness Of/around A Zit/acne Asap!

your skin doesnt look bad atall! will you swap with me? try drinking plenty of water and also apply some WHITE toothpaste the the redness and leave on to dry and then go to bed and by the morning, t...

In forum General acne discussion

11 years ago
Cetaphil Daily Facial Cleanser And Jojoba Oil

hello everyone this is my first ever post as i just signed up for some guidance..   i would say i have fairly mild acne, its not alot in any one area its just spaced out over my face so its not ...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

11 years ago