Forum Replies Created

Advice and help needed.

Hi all, I have suffered from acne on and off since I was a young teen, and I am now nearly 25. Over the years I have tried a lot of products. In my teens benzoyl peroxide worked wonders, but as I've g...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Acnecide and Cetaphil gentle cleanser

Hey!! Hope you're getting on well!! I've had 6 months of pretty good skin...only the odd spot and have got very complacent with this. My skin has started breaking out again around my jaw (why is it al...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Help. I'm growing a 2nd chin

Thanks for the help guys... it has healed considerably and is now a flat red/pink mark. I have had these before but not that have lasted this long..... has anyone experienced a similar mark?? I don't ...

In forum Skin picking

8 years ago
Beating my adult acne!

Thankyou I will try that!! I do find it stings a bit when I put it on straight after cleansing!! I haven't had any new ones just the old ones drying up, and the odd will persevere Â&nb...

In forum Adult acne

8 years ago
Beating my adult acne!

Great that you've had a positive experience! I've just started using acnecide and cetaphil, as my skin started breaking out in red sore spots around my mouth, and I'm hoping this will settle it down. ...

In forum Adult acne

8 years ago
Acnecide and Cetaphil gentle cleanser

Hello!  I am a 23 year old female, and have suffered from moderate, sporadic breakouts since my early teens. For the last year my skin has been pretty good, which I believe is due to a si...

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
Help. I'm growing a 2nd chin

It's gone down a lot!!! Just a scab now...too crusty to put makeup on though

In forum Skin picking

8 years ago
Help. I'm growing a 2nd chin

Thanks for the advice!!! Unfortunately I don't think this is something you can get quickly in the uk  

In forum Skin picking

8 years ago
Help. I'm growing a 2nd chin

So I had a red lump on my chin, which I have unwisely squeezed to death. It is now sore, red and scabby...but non of the lump has gone. I have tried icing it but think that made it more red.... [Im...

In forum Skin picking

8 years ago
Quickest Way To Clear These Spots?

  I recommend using Benzyl peroxide....any strength really but maybe try 2.5 or 5 to start with. If you're in the UK you can buy acnecide from Boots. I find the key is consistency. if your skin ...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
Huge Spot Between Eyebrows

Its my sisters 21st in 3 days, and 2 days ago I got a big red spot between my eyebrows...yesterday I gave into temptation and squeezed relatively good effect (a lot of 'gunk' came out)...but n...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
How Long Does Isotrexin Take To Work?

Hey, I have always had the odd spot... but in the last 2 months I have developed really nasty spots on my jaw line and around my mouth. They are red and really sore. I have visited my GP and she gave ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

10 years ago