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Accutane + exercising

You might want to read this recent thread, it's a little more about body building but the info is basically the same regardless of what activity you participate in.  

In forum Prescription acne medications

17 years ago
Somebody please explain to me why POPCORN breaks me out

popcorn is greasy and i beilve its high in fat

In forum Diet & holistic health

17 years ago

There are many more drugs than two approved for acne.

In forum Prescription acne medications

17 years ago
Accutane - 9 months

Minimum time between courses is 2 months.

In forum Prescription acne medications

17 years ago
Accutane - 9 months

My first course lasted for nine months at a much higher dosage for my weight. Worked good, stayed clear for about 10 years before it started to come back. At that dosage i think a nine month course ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

17 years ago
accutane - do sebaceous filaments come back?

The small bump you describe is a whitehead.

In forum Prescription acne medications

17 years ago
accutane - do sebaceous filaments come back?

If it was open to the air, the top layer would oxidize and form a blackhead.

In forum Prescription acne medications

17 years ago
accutane - do sebaceous filaments come back?

My acne recurred after my first course about 15 years ago, about 10 years after that course was over. The acne you describe is a type of whitehead (most people call their pustules "whiteheads", but ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

17 years ago

its mostly around my chin/a tiny bit on my jawline, and basically on the lower half of my face. --does this mean it's hormonal?-- That is the classic presentation of hormonal acne, and Yasmin is the...

In forum Hormonal acne

17 years ago
accutane - do sebaceous filaments come back?

Sometimes they never come back. Sometimes they do. Using a topical retinoid after treatment is the best insurance against their recurrance, and retinoids have other positive effects on the skin like...

In forum Prescription acne medications

17 years ago
did you take accutane in the 1980s?

I have read a lot of cases where people have taken accutane and then taken it again 10, 20 years down the line. It seems like if the person never took accutane they would have gradually outgrown the a...

In forum Prescription acne medications

17 years ago
did you take accutane in the 1980s?

Yep, my first course was during the 80s. It cleared me up for more than a decade and i just recently finished a second course and am again clear.   The only side effects that persisted from my f...

In forum Prescription acne medications

17 years ago
Thin skin after Accutane -forever?

Not forever. It usually take six months for that particular side effect to normalize.

In forum Prescription acne medications

18 years ago
Eczema on arms

Pick up an over the counter hydrocortisone cream at the pharmacy. Apply it to the ezcema a couple times a day until it seems like normal skin (not more than a week). From then on, moisturize well wi...

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

18 years ago
Has Anyone Grown After Accutane?

No, it hasn't been studied because it's so rare that if it really does happen it does so at a rate so infrequent that it's never shown up in clinical trials. The only indications that it occurs at al...

In forum Prescription acne medications

18 years ago
real accutane vs. generic accutane... ?

I was hesitant as well, but in my research of the company Cipla, I found that it is a very reputable company with world wide respect as a manufacturer of quality generics. It has several approved in t...

In forum Prescription acne medications

18 years ago
accutane, meat, working out, alcohol, sex

She also told me that if I get a girl pregnant that there could be birth defects. There are no known cases of birth defects caused when the father was on Accutane. Isotretinoin birth defects are c...

In forum Prescription acne medications

18 years ago
real accutane vs. generic accutane... ?

I personally wouldn't take Cipla - it's not approved in the US which means it's not complying with FDA oversight in some way. I'd stick with the main generics - Amnesteem, Claravis, Sotret, or the Ro...

In forum Prescription acne medications

18 years ago
Has Anyone Grown After Accutane?

Stunted growth isn't even listed as a side-effect, nor could I even see a connection. It stops your sebacious glands from making oil, people...That's it. I have no idea how you could even begin to th...

In forum Prescription acne medications

18 years ago
real accutane vs. generic accutane... ?

My first course was on Roche brand Accutane - there were no generics at the time. My more recent course was on the generic Claravis. I saw no difference in effectiveness.

In forum Prescription acne medications

18 years ago

It's just a time release version of minocycline, i wouldn't get too excited.

In forum Prescription acne medications

18 years ago
Accutane and Heat Intolerance / Sweating

Yes, that happened to me too, both courses. Seemed to go back to normal a month or two after the course was over.

In forum Prescription acne medications

18 years ago
Saline Solution (Contacts)

Keep in mind that most commercial "saline" solutions have a lot more than just salt in them. There are usually additives such as the stuff that dissolves proteins, maybe some preservatives, etc which...

In forum General acne discussion

18 years ago
Has Anyone Grown After Accutane?

There are no formal studies on this particular phenomenon, just some rare anecdotal reports of premature growth plate closure. I took it for the first time at 15 or so but i had already reached my fu...

In forum Prescription acne medications

18 years ago
has anyone NOT experienced bad side effects from accutane?

I've taken it twice and only got the minor uncomfortable side effects. The first time i got a nice long remission before it came back, and it's in remission again now from my second course although i...

In forum Prescription acne medications

18 years ago