Forum Replies Created

Has anybody tried gedarel contraceptive pill?

I’m sorry to hear it’s made your daughters skin worse. How did did she get on at the gp? What topicals has she already tried? I like the carbon theory soap, it’s got tea tree and cha...

In forum Hormonal acne

5 years ago
Has anybody tried gedarel contraceptive pill?

Very true, what works for some won't work for others, it's all trial and error isn't it. I hope gedarel helps your daughter. Best of luck 🙂

In forum Hormonal acne

6 years ago
Has anybody tried gedarel contraceptive pill?

Hi, i didn't end up trying it in the end, I'm on roaccutane now instead. But good luck to your daughter, I've spoke to a few ppl who have tried it who said they had no negative effects from it. Keep...

In forum Hormonal acne

6 years ago
Has anybody tried gedarel contraceptive pill?

Hi itsbeth, How are you getting on now with the patch? hope your doing well 🙂

In forum Hormonal acne

7 years ago
Neutrogena light therapy mask, any good?

Has anybody tried this mask? Did you have any success? I started using it last night so too early for me to tell if it's going to be effective, but looking forward to see if it helps. Would love to ...

In forum Other acne treatments

7 years ago
Zinc tablets

Hi, has anybody tried zinc tablets? I started taking them about 2 weeks ago and stopped after a week as I was breaking out. And it's been about 6 days since I took any and I'm still having a bad bre...

In forum Other acne treatments

7 years ago
Doxycycline purge breakout !!!! Help pleaseeee

Hey, how has this week been? Im finding I have a few good days then a new breakout, but I've switched from using differin cream to the gel so not sure if that's the cause. Hope your doing good 🙂

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago
Doxycycline purge breakout !!!! Help pleaseeee

Ahh sorry to hear that. It's pretty similar for me. I had had a really good week last week, skin very clear but I'm starting to break out a bit again now. Im hoping it's just a blip, I've only been ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago
Has anybody tried gedarel contraceptive pill?

That's great, hope it continues to work for you. Keep me updated, might think about the patch myself 🙂

In forum Hormonal acne

7 years ago
Pls help fast. Purging or breakout. Using finacia

Hi, I've just started using finacea and I've noticed I'm having a purge too. It's really getting me down. Are you going to stick with it?

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago
Doxycycline purge breakout !!!! Help pleaseeee

Hi, how have things been been this week, any better? Im on lymecycline, just started 2 weeks ago and I'm having a breakout too. I used it for 3 months at the beginning of the year and don't remember...

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago
Good & Bad Birth Control Pills And Implants For Acne

Has anybody tried gedarel 20/150? I think it's the lower dose version of marvelon. My doctor has prescribed it me as Yasmin gave me headaches, but I've not heard of it before and am curious to know if...

In forum Hormonal acne

7 years ago
Moisturiser advice / Whiteheads

Hi, i found that after having my 2nd baby, I would break out when using new products on my cheeks which is somewhere I have never got spots before. I assumed I just had sensitive skin, but it just se...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Has anybody tried gedarel contraceptive pill?

Hi itsbeth, thanks for your reply. Ahh im sorry about your migraines, that's what I am worried about. Was it gedarel that you were on or marvelon? Hmm, im sure I've read a post on here from someone...

In forum Hormonal acne

7 years ago
Birth control worsening acne 4 months in

Hi, How is your skin doing now? Are you still on gedarel? Im supposed to be starting it soon but I had never actually heard of it before my GP prescribed it. Have you noticed any improvement since y...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

7 years ago
Has anybody tried gedarel contraceptive pill?

Hi everyone, Has anyone ever tried gedarel for hormonal acne? Ive been prescribed the 20/150 dose, but can't find anything about it being beneficial for skin online. Ive been on dianette and Yas...

In forum Hormonal acne

7 years ago