Forum Replies Created

Dairy & Adult Acne After Accutane - No Dairy Diet The Solution?

I just recently figured out dairy was the issue. I literally drank 5 cups of milk each day for about 18 years. Now i have a problem, I think it may be the hormones/steriods injected into the cows. I...

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
Acne Not A Puzzle Anymore.

lol Interesting. I would donate my blood, but I'm anemic and my blood pressure is so low, I wouldn't be allowed to donate it for that reason.

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
Starting To Think Wheat Or Bread Is Causing My Acne

Yeap, 100% and dairy too. I feel the itchyness, it drives me insane. I'd rather just avoid it and not feel that. I cut them out and I feel so much better, and so does my skin. I was able to drink m...

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
If My Diet Is So Great, Why Isn't My Skin Great?

Same thing happened to me last year. I just cut out bad things for a year. Then I crept back into my old habits. What I found out is that I wasn't breaking down the food properly in body and it wasn'...

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
Acne Doesn't Signal Illness

No You're wrong. Everyone's DNA is different. It can be due to an illness or a food allergy. Don't make assumptions.

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
Miracle Cure For All Diseases?

UPDATE Stopped Drinking Milk, and eating any modified milk ingredients. Skin doesn't breakout terribly anymore. I also stopped eating wheat in the process, this allowed for moringa to work so much ...

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
Miracle Cure For All Diseases?

So I'm going to do my best, to not drink milk and use two scoops a day of moringa I'll post updates each day. Scoops of it? I just looked at the wiki page of it and i see it as like flowers and "pod...

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
Miracle Cure For All Diseases?

I began taking this product called moringa oelifera ( I think I spelled it right). So far I'm beginning to feel the great effects : lots of energy, better circulation to my hands and feet and my skin...

In forum Diet & holistic health

10 years ago
Muscle Building Diet And Acne

I'm a girl, and when I drank protein shakes too supplement my lack of meat intake, my skin got 10x worse. What I learned is that if you need to up your protein intake without breaking out, try making...

In forum Diet & holistic health

11 years ago
Not Sure About New Rx...need Feedback Fast.

why don't you try a more natural root? Aloe vera gel and coconut oil for your skin. It won't clog your pores. Antibiotics will do bad stuff to your skin because it destroys all the intestinal micro...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Coconut Oil Is So Calming To My Zits/hormonal Acne.

On 5/8/2013 at 8:23 PM, heitea said: On 5/8/2013 at 8:41 AM, ask24 said: I've tried coconut oil, and honestly it is amazing. If you take in internally (1 tbsp/...

In forum Other acne treatments

11 years ago
Milk Causing Acne?

Try drinking Warm whole milk. This will change the protein structure of milk which makes it easier to digest. Most people drink COLD milk which makes your system sluggish and slow= acne Try warm mil...

In forum Adult acne

11 years ago
Acne And Depression

I know exactly how you feel. Don't feel like you're the only one. What is worse is when a stranger comes up to you and gives you "suggestions" to improve your skin lol, that is extremely embarassing o...

In forum Adult acne

11 years ago
My Cure! Finally!

Sleeping is when the body detoxifies its self, and your body can repair itself. Congrats

In forum Adult acne

11 years ago
Only Water

There is some truth to your method. Not to use abbrasive scrubs or harsh chemicals on your face. But I do think you should clean you face, to get remove some of the oil off your face (it may contain ...

In forum Adult acne

11 years ago
After Suffering Since Age 15-30, I Have Found My Cure, It Was Something Easy All Along!

Eating fruit is great, but it absolutely does not clear my skin, I've tried every single diet going, some have helped a lot (low glycymic), some have made it way worse (raw foodism/fruitarianism), but...

In forum Adult acne

11 years ago
acne after antibiotics for wisdom tooth

This happened to me as well. I had antibiotics for my lungs, but as we all know whatever you put in your body goes into systemic circulation. So the antibiotic is destroying your gut microflora (try t...

In forum Adult acne

11 years ago! Face Is Just A Disaster..

Did you try fixing your diet? try using extra virgin coconut oil on your face, it will clear up pimples and keeps your skin soft and wrinkle-free

In forum Adult acne

11 years ago
Treatments For Teenage Acne

I can give you another diet tip. You should see improvments in the first week. Its a specific soup that will clear up your skin, I will write out the ingredients if you're interested. I was in your ...

In forum Other acne treatments

11 years ago
[Acne Pics] Skin Worse Than Ever, 3 Weeks On The Regimen

There is something internal wrong in your body, it can't be cured using only topical stuff. check out my post Try altering stuff in your diet. What do you typically eat? Are you positive that it's...

In forum The Regimen

11 years ago
I Can't Tell If My Treatment Is Working. Please Help.

Honestly your skin isn't that bad. But you have to fix something internally in order to have long lasting clear skin. I 've tried coconut oil for acne, and my skin clears up. you shouldn't be afraid ...

In forum Other acne treatments

11 years ago
Coconut Oil Is So Calming To My Zits/hormonal Acne.

I've tried coconut oil, and honestly it is amazing. If you take in internally (1 tbsp/day) your body is getting the short chain fatty acids for the cells to repair themselves. If you take it internall...

In forum Other acne treatments

11 years ago
Chinese Medicine/herbs/pill Safe?

I went to a herbalist before, I had great results, but it was only short - term. The side effects I had were dizzy spells, very bad body odour, ( I couldn't every stand my sweat lol), and sharp pain i...

In forum Other acne treatments

11 years ago
Gaps For Acne

From my experience, Yeah I pretty much do the same thing with an Ayurvedic diet. For 15 days I ate mung bean soup with brown rice plus indian herbs and spices (tumeric, cumin, fennel seeds, NO spic...

In forum Other acne treatments

11 years ago
Treat Acne With Tea

Makes sense... "margosa"... amargo means bitter in portuguese yeap, it should work 🙂

In forum Other acne treatments

11 years ago