Forum Replies Created

First Time User, 22 F

No problem! I really hope they get back to you and it's good news--be sure to let me know, I've been telling others about it and it'd be great to know how it works under different insurance plans! $43...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

11 years ago
First Time User, 22 F

Hey Kelsey! I'm a 24 yo F on my first Accutane course as well-- I'm in month four now (40 mg/day). It hasn't been the most pleasant experience (my poor lips ) but definitely been worth it. A couple t...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

11 years ago
Zenatane (Accutane) Anyone Heard Of It?

I just switched to Zenatane this month, and it's awesome! I had my dermatologist appointment that morning, they called me that afternoon, and it got to my door before noon the next day. I don't pay a ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Shampoo While On Accutane?

Ditto with the above posters on not washing your hair as often-- My hair used to be an oil slick after 5pm, and now I go about 3-4 days in between washings. When I do wash it, I put conditioner on my ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Using Clarisonic Whilst On Accutane?

Hey! I personally wouldn't recommend it-- I tried using my Clarisonic about a month into Accutane, and it made my face REALLY red and irritated. It was actually painful, and I used the "sensitive skin...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago
Doryx, Aczone, Epiduo, Birthcontrol: Please Discuss!

Hi aqua123! I'm so glad that the combination of these three is working for you! It sounds like, for the most part, we have very similar experiences-- I'm 24, and though I've struggled with some acne s...

In forum Prescription acne medications

11 years ago