Forum Replies Created

Advice on how to start my acne diet

Hello everybody, I'm currently trying to change my lifestyle to see if it helps my acne. However, the diet part has been a little difficult for me. What should i eat and what should i not? And what ab...

In forum Diet & holistic health

8 years ago
Scalp acne and balding

Hello I am suffering from acne since 13. I'm 20 this year and although the acne on my face have subsided alot, I still have scalp acne. I realised that I have alot of bald spots on my head due to pick...

In forum Back/Body/Neck acne

8 years ago
F Normal People....rant.

And to those people that tries to give advice. "Don't eat that, that's why your face looks so awful!" GFTO

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

9 years ago
I Can't Act Normal Around People Anymore

Hi, I'm 19 and suffering from acne since 13. I have moderate acne and acne scars. I'm writing this to ask how you guys deal with people. Over the years, after trying to deal with acne without success,...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

9 years ago