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F Normal People....rant.


Posted : 08/31/2015 10:13 pm

Sometimes you just need to get it all out.


To the people who....


1. eat the shit of the shit. The people at the grocery store with carts loaded with processed garbage, sugar, dairy, etc and have the clearest skin. Yes, I notice you, ALL the time.


2. complain about one zit...


3. eat whatever they want without even having to think about breaking out...


4. are overweight, who you would think would have skin problems, that don't...


5. go out to eat and enjoy themselves without having to scrutinize everything they eat...


6. go out for drinks and do not have to worry about what is in their drink that will break them out...


7. can enjoy food even on occasions without breaking out...


8. can look in the mirror and not have to worry about skin problems instead of hiding from it..


9. can go out with friends and enjoy themselves


10. don't have a single pore but yet consume whatever they please..


11. get to live their life without having to worry about their skin


12. can go out for ice cream, drinks, cheat once without even having to worry about their skin


13. don't have to create diet plans to figure out what the hell is effing up their skin


14. don't have to try 1083430 things to fix their skin and still arrive at no fix


15. enjoy life without worrying about acne


16. get to experience life to the fullest because their skin doesn't hold them back


17. can date without having to be self conscious about their skin




Basically, f anyone who eats like shit and has skin clear as day.



-end rant-

Cjball11, *DarkHeart*, MissSac17 and 3 people liked

Posted : 09/02/2015 11:06 am

I totally agree that everything you listed is unfair. I've been trying to focus on the positive, though... I tell myself I am worthy, beautiful and that I still have something to offer the world (and you do too!) - I've noticed that as soon as I think something like "it's not that bad" or "it's getting better" I feel instant relief, like I can take a deep breath and be okay. I've been trying to do this everyday. It's not easy though, the downward spiral of negativity is much more natural for me.


Just know you're not alone. We're all here trying to cope and survive this.


Posted : 09/02/2015 7:57 pm

Or you can stop worrying about sugar or dairy or any type of "breakout foods" and use The Regimen.


It fixed my acne before so I'm back using it and it's all going away....again.


That's one way.


Or you can keep complaining on the internet and say "F you!" when you're ignoring something that could rid of your acne.


Posted : 09/02/2015 11:41 pm


^ This


Posted : 09/03/2015 9:32 am

Or you can stop worrying about sugar or dairy or any type of "breakout foods" and use The Regimen.


It fixed my acne before so I'm back using it and it's all going away....again.


That's one way.


Or you can keep complaining on the internet and say "F you!" when you're ignoring something that could rid of your acne.


Everyone's acne is different. What some refer to as acne is not acne to me. So, things may work for your acne but not mine.


This is a rant. I think most people feel this way.


Posted : 09/03/2015 9:58 am

And to those people that tries to give advice. "Don't eat that, that's why your face looks so awful!" GFTO


Posted : 09/08/2015 3:58 pm

And when your family (who don't have acne) say "just live with it, don't worry about it, its no big deal....etc" Even though they mean well and i love them - f u! Having a face covered with acne IS a big deal. And i don't have an "i don't care about my acne" switch i can just turn off and magically not think about it anymore.


Posted : 09/08/2015 7:19 pm

And when your family (who don't have acne) say "just live with it, don't worry about it, its no big deal....etc" Even though they mean well and i love them - f u! Having a face covered with acne IS a big deal. And i don't have an "i don't care about my acne" switch i can just turn off and magically not think about it anymore.

Trust me, you can get that switch. You just have to be surrounded by the right people.


Posted : 09/08/2015 9:03 pm


Or you can stop worrying about sugar or dairy or any type of "breakout foods" and use The Regimen.


It fixed my acne before so I'm back using it and it's all going away....again.


That's one way.


Or you can keep complaining on the internet and say "F you!" when you're ignoring something that could rid of your acne.

The regimen might not work for him. It failed to work for me.


Or you can stop worrying about sugar or dairy or any type of "breakout foods" and use The Regimen.


It fixed my acne before so I'm back using it and it's all going away....again.


That's one way.


Or you can keep complaining on the internet and say "F you!" when you're ignoring something that could rid of your acne.


Everyone's acne is different. What some refer to as acne is not acne to me. So, things may work for your acne but not mine.


This is a rant. I think most people feel this way.


Yeah, that's true.


I was just curious if people have tried the Regimen since I heard of some people never trying it, but have been members for years. They then try it and say it's rid of it (or put it in remission... however you say it). It took care of my acne, but I assumed I outgrew it. That was my mistake, since it's back. Now it's slowly going away again. I can relate to some of those, like the last few.


Posted : 09/10/2015 11:51 pm

The worse...


Clear skin friend: (pointing at tiny pimple) "I have such bad skin!"


Me: "I didn't want to live anyway."
