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Pico focus or microneedling with RF for my scars?


Posted : 08/10/2018 3:24 am

My dermatologist suggested microneedling. I live in Canada and the service for dermatology here isn't great. My appointments were repeatedly cancelled so I went to a different derm. That Dr didn't even see me, just the laser tech and she suggested pico focus laser.

When I asked what type of scars I had my derm said there weren't really different types. The laser tech said my scarring was minimal but it shows up in every photo and my friends comment on it. I believe it is probably rolling scars and is on my chin. Picture attached.
3 pico focus is 1200
3 microneedling with RF is 2400.

I am not really worried about the money difference, I just want results. I hate my scars and am so embarrassed. 



Posted : 08/10/2018 11:39 am

You can buy a dermastamp or derminator yourself and do that at home and not pay a derm hundreds of dollars. A better med spa or Dr treatment is rf microneelding. Dermatology yes in Canda isn't great I hear this all the time. Picosure is good for ethnic patients but will do nothing for scars. It's good for discoloration and some collagen stimulation.

I cannot tell all the scar types you have, ... could you take a better picture I need to see shadows to properly evaluate (flashlight). It looks like rolling scars but I am not sure without a proper pic.

You most likely need both treatments but I would start with cannular subcision, ... the hardest thing to find in Canada, then we move to the rf microneedling.

Results are based on how you heal, skin type, operator skill, etc.
