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Someone Help! Closed Comedones/whiteheads?


Posted : 09/29/2015 4:44 pm

I really really don't know what to do.


I've always had pretty good skin with the occasional zit here and there but the last year I started to develop these closed comedones (I think they are?) in the crease of my chin, I used to try to squeeze them out and they began to spread out more, very unnoticeable though so it didn't bother me. Within the past week and a half, they have spread rapidly and in clusters all over chin area and around my lips... there are so many, literally over 70. Some are so tiny and other are bigger. I'm not sure why this is happening to me or how to treat these damn things...


I noticed the breakout happened before my period came. My periods are always irregular and very painful. I know that two years ago my mom took me to the doctor and I had high testosterone for a female but they didn't have a cause for it. I'm going to another doctor soon. I'm not sure if the sudden spread is related to my messed up hormones or not.. Would birth control help?


I wear makeup but just bare minerals and I just recently stopped using Maybelline bb cream because it is pore clogging. I also cut dairy and fast food and I'm limiting sugars. Just eating super healthy with lots of fruit n veggies... not sure if it will help :/


I recently stopped smoking after 5 years and began eating healthier so I really wanted to see improvement in my skin but instead I get this :/ I never had much self confidence and this is a hard blow... I'm not sure what I should try? RetinA? BHA? AHA? With those products I'm scared of purging... how bad does it usually get before getting better? So far I've been putting 10% BP on the little white bumps. I don't think it's doing much... two got really big and came to a head but the rest just look red and dry. I'm so tempted to squeeze them all out but I know that will just make them worse or spread...



Someone please help.... :(



Posted : 09/30/2015 7:41 pm

Bump :(


Posted : 09/30/2015 11:25 pm

Hi Dolly

Maybe see a derm if you can? Testosterone could def be the culprit. I take 50mg spironolactone and I use the tetrapump (this is 2.5 bp and a retinol). I'm clear from this. Good luck.


Posted : 10/02/2015 3:33 pm

I have an appointment with a new derm and endocrinologist this week.... I hope they can figure something out.... They just keep spreading :(
