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Should I Take Accutane?


Posted : 06/10/2013 7:42 am

Hi! I really need some advice about whether or not I should take accutane... my derm has already okayed it, but I have two (slightly less now) weeks until I get my perscription - i.e. time to back out!

I started breaking out when I was about 12/13 - at first mild then moderate. In all honesty, I didn't notice at all, a school nurse pulled me aside and complained to me about it. Mentally scarring or what? Anyway, she made me go to the doctors, and I was given some topical and oral antibiotics. Cue several years of similar things. At some point I switched to ProActive - expensive, didn't do much.

My skin would clear up at some points, and has never been what I would describe as cystic - I have no scars. It cleared up first when I was anorexic and then the last two summers. I took this as a sign that it was a result of Vitamin D defficiency. It wasn't.

In the last months of high school I found out that several of my closest/oldest friends had been making fun of my acne behind my back, everytime I left the room - advice, check the bathroom stalls before bitching! After this, and after I spent like 3 weeks crying at home, I was prescribed Retin A. Loved it. Beautiful skin - so therefore the makers had to stop, you know, making it. Urrrggghh. As usual, come October the acne was creeping back onto my face.

Anyway, I've just started my 5 month of Dianette, and since its beginning to resemble summer here in Scotland my face is a little better. I have small little red bumps under the skin that never seem to clear up - not painful, not that inflammed, but I am soooooo tired of this and I want them gone. They are mainly on my cheeks, and forehead. I never breakout on my nose, and very rarely on my chin. I think it is still getting better, but can't tell. However, with the history of teasing and other people noticing I have trouble going out and meeting people. I will even avoid going to church because I genuinly believe that is all people notice when they look at me. While I don't mean to sound vain (believe me, my self-esteem is almost non-existent) without acne, in those few brief months, I can turn heads walking down the street. But as soon as I get one spot no one will look at me - and thank god for that!

SInce I have tried everything (things I have not mentioned here) my derm suggested I try accutane. However, I am nervous about a couple of things...

1. IB - I have never had cystic acne nor acne which scars. It seems that some people who have never experienced either have had both as a result of accutane.

2. Hair loss - I have already had hair thinning as a result of PCOS but birth control and Saw Palmetto seemed to sort that out. However, since my hair is naturally very fine and long I'm nervous about this.

I know I haven't experienced it yet, but I feel as if as this point I can handle the rest of these side effects. Of course, hubris effects even the best of us, but still...

Any advice... should I? Or should I just suck it up and stay away from accutane completely? Can anyone tell if my skin is the kind that will have a severe IB? Atm, I really have no idea.




Posted : 06/10/2013 7:57 am

A little mor information...

I don't have blackheads, and the spots I usually get are smallish white head... which I have never popped ever. They leave red marks which on my very pale skin take ages to fade.


Posted : 06/10/2013 9:24 am

bumping this because I want an answer.


Posted : 06/10/2013 9:54 am

In my opinion I would reccomend accutane for you due to your persistent acne, however with accutane you must understand the importance of patience.


Posted : 06/10/2013 11:19 am

I really do. I'm used to the "you must use this persistently for 6 months before any results will seen" line. Thanks for replying :)


Posted : 06/10/2013 2:27 pm

I would vote yes for Accutane. Since nothing else seems to work, you might as well give it a try. I used to have awful cystic acne, which is why I needed Accutane - nothing I put on topically did anything.

To answer your questions, I did not have flare ups at all, and the scars I do have are there just because my acne was untreated for so long, not because of the Accutane. I was also on Bactrim, which my derm says helps flare ups. I responded quickly and was off it in 5 months (at my 2 month appointment, there was a huge difference).

I have really thick hair and have never heard of hair falling out as a side effect, but I wouldn't worry about it. If you truly have acne that just needs a little nudge to go away, you'll likely be on a lower dose. The side effects I had were DRY LIPS and dry eyes. Did I emphasize dry lips? Stock up on the Aquaphor lip balms (they didn't have those when I was on Accutane, so I literally took a jar of it to school to put on every 10 minutes). If you wear contacts, be prepared to wear your glasses more and buy wetting drops for your eyes.


Posted : 06/10/2013 3:05 pm

I would vote yes for Accutane. Since nothing else seems to work, you might as well give it a try. I used to have awful cystic acne, which is why I needed Accutane - nothing I put on topically did anything.

To answer your questions, I did not have flare ups at all, and the scars I do have are there just because my acne was untreated for so long, not because of the Accutane. I was also on Bactrim, which my derm says helps flare ups. I responded quickly and was off it in 5 months (at my 2 month appointment, there was a huge difference).

I have really thick hair and have never heard of hair falling out as a side effect, but I wouldn't worry about it. If you truly have acne that just needs a little nudge to go away, you'll likely be on a lower dose. The side effects I had were DRY LIPS and dry eyes. Did I emphasize dry lips? Stock up on the Aquaphor lip balms (they didn't have those when I was on Accutane, so I literally took a jar of it to school to put on every 10 minutes). If you wear contacts, be prepared to wear your glasses more and buy wetting drops for your eyes.

Thanks so much... I am leaning towards it. I have stocked up on all the supplements that are good for hair/collagen production so that it won't cause too much damage even if it does flare up.

Its mainly an emotional thing for me - I think it is for most. I just know that I am so much happier when my skin is clear/clearer. I am such a different person.

While its OK right now, I just know what a mess my skin will be when October rolls around... anything I can do to stop that...

Where you on a low dose then building up? I've heard that stops initial flares...

Thanks again :)


Posted : 06/11/2013 9:44 am

I really do. I'm used to the "you must use this persistently for 6 months before any results will seen" line. Thanks for replying smile.png

haha true that! Although I don't want to get your hopes up, accutane is most likely going to work, unlike all those other topicals! what do you currently use?


Posted : 06/11/2013 11:06 am

Hey there!

Because your acne is so persistent, Roaccutane does sound like quite a good idea (it might help if you posted some pictures of your skin?)

Hair loss is a very rare side effect and although it is a possibility, I think there are far worse side effects to be worried about.

I've been on Roaccutane for almost a month now and am still experiencing an initial breakout. I am like you, my acne has never been cystic, and the IB hasn't made my spots bigger, there is just more of them (and I also breakout in places that used to be clear).

I can't give you much advice about Roaccutane making you scar more because my skin is very prone to acne scars. What I would say is that if your skin never scars at all (if this is this case you are extremely lucky!) it sounds unlikely that this drug would mean you get severe scarring. I would ask your derm for advice smile.png

I feel your pain about the bitchy girls. People who have never had acne don't (and never will) understand how emotionally crippling it is.Don't let them get to you.

If you do decide to take the plunge, then I'm here for support when and if you need it smile.png


Posted : 06/11/2013 12:33 pm

I really do. I'm used to the "you must use this persistently for 6 months before any results will seen" line. Thanks for replying smile.png

haha true that! Although I don't want to get your hopes up, accutane is most likely going to work, unlike all those other topicals! what do you currently use?

Yeah, and then you spend every morning for like 4 months running to the mirror expecting something to have changed all the sudden before you accept that it won't and crawl back to the doctors for something new... I really hope accutane will be the end of that for good.

To answer your question... I was on Differin and Dianette, but Differin didn't really do anything so I didn't get a refill on that perscription. Currently on Dianette, but I don't know how much of a difference that has actually made tbh. I used to use Retin A ( <3 ) but they have stopped making it angry.png. I take a bucket load of supplements... don't know how much those do either or if I'm just paying for "vey expensive pee" as my mum put it....

Have you done accutane?

Hey there!

Because your acne is so persistent, Roaccutane does sound like quite a good idea (it might help if you posted some pictures of your skin?)

Hair loss is a very rare side effect and although it is a possibility, I think there are far worse side effects to be worried about.

I've been on Roaccutane for almost a month now and am still experiencing an initial breakout. I am like you, my acne has never been cystic, and the IB hasn't made my spots bigger, there is just more of them (and I also breakout in places that used to be clear).

I can't give you much advice about Roaccutane making you scar more because my skin is very prone to acne scars. What I would say is that if your skin never scars at all (if this is this case you are extremely lucky!) it sounds unlikely that this drug would mean you get severe scarring. I would ask your derm for advice smile.png

I feel your pain about the bitchy girls. People who have never had acne don't (and never will) understand how emotionally crippling it is.Don't let them get to you.

If you do decide to take the plunge, then I'm here for support when and if you need it smile.png

I get "scars" in the form of light red marks, but not indented. Since I know that the marks fade - and since I'll be using like SPF10000+++ on roaccutane they'll probably go even faster - they don't bother me too much.

Bitchy girls are definantly the worst... oh well, I think having acne has probably made us better people - we can relate to lots of different conditions and stuff. And anyway... theres always adult onset right... tbh I have wished that on quite a few people.

Good luck with your course! Have you had any other side effects? It would be nice to have someone just a little ahead of me timewise so that you can warn me lol.

And photos? NEVER haha. I find it hard to look in mirrors that I don't "know", let alone take photos. Seeing my skin in photos makes me such an emotional wreck. Another reason to try accutane...


Posted : 06/12/2013 10:41 am

I really do. I'm used to the "you must use this persistently for 6 months before any results will seen" line. Thanks for replying smile.png

haha true that! Although I don't want to get your hopes up, accutane is most likely going to work, unlike all those other topicals! what do you currently use?

Yeah, and then you spend every morning for like 4 months running to the mirror expecting something to have changed all the sudden before you accept that it won't and crawl back to the doctors for something new... I really hope accutane will be the end of that for good.

To answer your question... I was on Differin and Dianette, but Differin didn't really do anything so I didn't get a refill on that perscription. Currently on Dianette, but I don't know how much of a difference that has actually made tbh. I used to use Retin A ( <3 ) but they have stopped making it angry.png. I take a bucket load of supplements... don't know how much those do either or if I'm just paying for "vey expensive pee" as my mum put it....

Have you done accutane?

>Hey there!

Because your acne is so persistent, Roaccutane does sound like quite a good idea (it might help if you posted some pictures of your skin?)

Hair loss is a very rare side effect and although it is a possibility, I think there are far worse side effects to be worried about.

I've been on Roaccutane for almost a month now and am still experiencing an initial breakout. I am like you, my acne has never been cystic, and the IB hasn't made my spots bigger, there is just more of them (and I also breakout in places that used to be clear).

I can't give you much advice about Roaccutane making you scar more because my skin is very prone to acne scars. What I would say is that if your skin never scars at all (if this is this case you are extremely lucky!) it sounds unlikely that this drug would mean you get severe scarring. I would ask your derm for advice smile.png

I feel your pain about the bitchy girls. People who have never had acne don't (and never will) understand how emotionally crippling it is.Don't let them get to you.

If you do decide to take the plunge, then I'm here for support when and if you need it smile.png

I get "scars" in the form of light red marks, but not indented. Since I know that the marks fade - and since I'll be using like SPF10000+++ on roaccutane they'll probably go even faster - they don't bother me too much.

Bitchy girls are definantly the worst... oh well, I think having acne has probably made us better people - we can relate to lots of different conditions and stuff. And anyway... theres always adult onset right... tbh I have wished that on quite a few people.

Good luck with your course! Have you had any other side effects? It would be nice to have someone just a little ahead of me timewise so that you can warn me lol.

And photos? NEVER haha. I find it hard to look in mirrors that I don't "know", let alone take photos. Seeing my skin in photos makes me such an emotional wreck. Another reason to try accutane...

haha 'expensive pee' and yes I am currently on Roaccutane as that's what we call it over in Europe. Any other questions you have, im happy to help.


Posted : 06/12/2013 11:09 am

I really do. I'm used to the "you must use this persistently for 6 months before any results will seen" line. Thanks for replying smile.png

haha true that! Although I don't want to get your hopes up, accutane is most likely going to work, unlike all those other topicals! what do you currently use?

Yeah, and then you spend every morning for like 4 months running to the mirror expecting something to have changed all the sudden before you accept that it won't and crawl back to the doctors for something new... I really hope accutane will be the end of that for good.

To answer your question... I was on Differin and Dianette, but Differin didn't really do anything so I didn't get a refill on that perscription. Currently on Dianette, but I don't know how much of a difference that has actually made tbh. I used to use Retin A ( <3 ) but they have stopped making it angry.png. I take a bucket load of supplements... don't know how much those do either or if I'm just paying for "vey expensive pee" as my mum put it....

Have you done accutane?

>Hey there!

Because your acne is so persistent, Roaccutane does sound like quite a good idea (it might help if you posted some pictures of your skin?)

Hair loss is a very rare side effect and although it is a possibility, I think there are far worse side effects to be worried about.

I've been on Roaccutane for almost a month now and am still experiencing an initial breakout. I am like you, my acne has never been cystic, and the IB hasn't made my spots bigger, there is just more of them (and I also breakout in places that used to be clear).

I can't give you much advice about Roaccutane making you scar more because my skin is very prone to acne scars. What I would say is that if your skin never scars at all (if this is this case you are extremely lucky!) it sounds unlikely that this drug would mean you get severe scarring. I would ask your derm for advice smile.png

I feel your pain about the bitchy girls. People who have never had acne don't (and never will) understand how emotionally crippling it is.Don't let them get to you.

If you do decide to take the plunge, then I'm here for support when and if you need it smile.png

I get "scars" in the form of light red marks, but not indented. Since I know that the marks fade - and since I'll be using like SPF10000+++ on roaccutane they'll probably go even faster - they don't bother me too much.

Bitchy girls are definantly the worst... oh well, I think having acne has probably made us better people - we can relate to lots of different conditions and stuff. And anyway... theres always adult onset right... tbh I have wished that on quite a few people.

Good luck with your course! Have you had any other side effects? It would be nice to have someone just a little ahead of me timewise so that you can warn me lol.

And photos? NEVER haha. I find it hard to look in mirrors that I don't "know", let alone take photos. Seeing my skin in photos makes me such an emotional wreck. Another reason to try accutane...

haha 'expensive pee' and yes I am currently on Roaccutane as that's what we call it over in Europe. Any other questions you have, im happy to help.

Yeah, I'm from Scotland but since most people here are American I was just going by that ;) What was your IB like - if you had one at all...?


Posted : 06/12/2013 1:14 pm

No one on here can tell you if you should go on it. You should really ask a specialist like a dr. or derm. :) Good luck!


Posted : 06/12/2013 1:33 pm

No one on here can tell you if you should go on it. You should really ask a specialist like a dr. or derm. smile.png Good luck!

I have, and they obviously think I should as they suggested it. I was really just looking for people who themselves have been through it and whether or not my concerns were justified - my derm is a little... old fashioned, and just blows me off with "but that is such a RARE side effect" etc. I know rare side effects, for me they are just side effects. Thanks though :)


Posted : 06/12/2013 1:44 pm

Accutane is great product and many claim that it works miracles on their acne. If side effects are of concern there are altenatives such as blue light therapy that is sometimes in conjuction with antibiotics. *Moderator edit, URL removed - read the board rules* Good luck!

Hi! I really need some advice about whether or not I should take accutane... my derm has already okayed it, but I have two (slightly less now) weeks until I get my perscription - i.e. time to back out!

I started breaking out when I was about 12/13 - at first mild then moderate. In all honesty, I didn't notice at all, a school nurse pulled me aside and complained to me about it. Mentally scarring or what? Anyway, she made me go to the doctors, and I was given some topical and oral antibiotics. Cue several years of similar things. At some point I switched to ProActive - expensive, didn't do much.

My skin would clear up at some points, and has never been what I would describe as cystic - I have no scars. It cleared up first when I was anorexic and then the last two summers. I took this as a sign that it was a result of Vitamin D defficiency. It wasn't.

In the last months of high school I found out that several of my closest/oldest friends had been making fun of my acne behind my back, everytime I left the room - advice, check the bathroom stalls before bitching! After this, and after I spent like 3 weeks crying at home, I was prescribed Retin A. Loved it. Beautiful skin - so therefore the makers had to stop, you know, making it. Urrrggghh. As usual, come October the acne was creeping back onto my face.

Anyway, I've just started my 5 month of Dianette, and since its beginning to resemble summer here in Scotland my face is a little better. I have small little red bumps under the skin that never seem to clear up - not painful, not that inflammed, but I am soooooo tired of this and I want them gone. They are mainly on my cheeks, and forehead. I never breakout on my nose, and very rarely on my chin. I think it is still getting better, but can't tell. However, with the history of teasing and other people noticing I have trouble going out and meeting people. I will even avoid going to church because I genuinly believe that is all people notice when they look at me. While I don't mean to sound vain (believe me, my self-esteem is almost non-existent) without acne, in those few brief months, I can turn heads walking down the street. But as soon as I get one spot no one will look at me - and thank god for that!

SInce I have tried everything (things I have not mentioned here) my derm suggested I try accutane. However, I am nervous about a couple of things...

1. IB - I have never had cystic acne nor acne which scars. It seems that some people who have never experienced either have had both as a result of accutane.

2. Hair loss - I have already had hair thinning as a result of PCOS but birth control and Saw Palmetto seemed to sort that out. However, since my hair is naturally very fine and long I'm nervous about this.

I know I haven't experienced it yet, but I feel as if as this point I can handle the rest of these side effects. Of course, hubris effects even the best of us, but still...

Any advice... should I? Or should I just suck it up and stay away from accutane completely? Can anyone tell if my skin is the kind that will have a severe IB? Atm, I really have no idea.




Posted : 06/12/2013 1:48 pm

Accutane is great product and many claim that it works miracles on their acne. If side effects are of concern there are altenatives such as blue light therapy that is sometimes in conjuction with antibiotics. Good luck!

Hi! I really need some advice about whether or not I should take accutane... my derm has already okayed it, but I have two (slightly less now) weeks until I get my perscription - i.e. time to back out!

I started breaking out when I was about 12/13 - at first mild then moderate. In all honesty, I didn't notice at all, a school nurse pulled me aside and complained to me about it. Mentally scarring or what? Anyway, she made me go to the doctors, and I was given some topical and oral antibiotics. Cue several years of similar things. At some point I switched to ProActive - expensive, didn't do much.

My skin would clear up at some points, and has never been what I would describe as cystic - I have no scars. It cleared up first when I was anorexic and then the last two summers. I took this as a sign that it was a result of Vitamin D defficiency. It wasn't.

In the last months of high school I found out that several of my closest/oldest friends had been making fun of my acne behind my back, everytime I left the room - advice, check the bathroom stalls before bitching! After this, and after I spent like 3 weeks crying at home, I was prescribed Retin A. Loved it. Beautiful skin - so therefore the makers had to stop, you know, making it. Urrrggghh. As usual, come October the acne was creeping back onto my face.

Anyway, I've just started my 5 month of Dianette, and since its beginning to resemble summer here in Scotland my face is a little better. I have small little red bumps under the skin that never seem to clear up - not painful, not that inflammed, but I am soooooo tired of this and I want them gone. They are mainly on my cheeks, and forehead. I never breakout on my nose, and very rarely on my chin. I think it is still getting better, but can't tell. However, with the history of teasing and other people noticing I have trouble going out and meeting people. I will even avoid going to church because I genuinly believe that is all people notice when they look at me. While I don't mean to sound vain (believe me, my self-esteem is almost non-existent) without acne, in those few brief months, I can turn heads walking down the street. But as soon as I get one spot no one will look at me - and thank god for that!

SInce I have tried everything (things I have not mentioned here) my derm suggested I try accutane. However, I am nervous about a couple of things...

1. IB - I have never had cystic acne nor acne which scars. It seems that some people who have never experienced either have had both as a result of accutane.

2. Hair loss - I have already had hair thinning as a result of PCOS but birth control and Saw Palmetto seemed to sort that out. However, since my hair is naturally very fine and long I'm nervous about this.

I know I haven't experienced it yet, but I feel as if as this point I can handle the rest of these side effects. Of course, hubris effects even the best of us, but still...

Any advice... should I? Or should I just suck it up and stay away from accutane completely? Can anyone tell if my skin is the kind that will have a severe IB? Atm, I really have no idea.



Thanks, its a really good site!


Posted : 06/12/2013 2:15 pm

hi im due to start accutane in two weeks also, its nice to know theres other people out there tbh

iv had persistant acne for a few years now so i just fought accutane could be the only thing that could help me so im not even thinking about the side affects at the minute

hope it all goes well and the months on accutane fly for you


Posted : 06/12/2013 2:55 pm

hi im due to start accutane in two weeks also, its nice to know theres other people out there tbh

iv had persistant acne for a few years now so i just fought accutane could be the only thing that could help me so im not even thinking about the side affects at the minute

hope it all goes well and the months on accutane fly for you

Yeah, my mum is really advocating it. She says I'll regret it if I don't and that whatever sideffects I get she'll help me deal with them. I just want to start it now and get it over with!!!! Haha.


Posted : 06/13/2013 3:42 am

Weirdly enough I'm also starting accutane in 2 weeks! I already have a whole box in my room but I'm waiting to start as I have an event coming up and seriously don't want to get an initial breakout for it. My skin at the moment sounds quite similar to yours, mainly because I'm coming off Dianne which cleared up my cystic acne, and i'm kind of freaking out about the IB too since I experienced pretty severely when starting Dianne. My derm gave me an antibiotic, erythomycin, which apparently doesn't interfere with accutane and helps to prevent/clear an IB so i'm hoping that works! You could probably ask your derm for something similar and if you started it now then it should be in effect by the time you start accutane, if you choose to that is. I personally think you should go on accutane, as whilst I haven't taken it, I think the knowledge that you are doing something serious to help treat your acne helps with the emotional side of it.


Posted : 06/13/2013 5:39 am

Weirdly enough I'm also starting accutane in 2 weeks! I already have a whole box in my room but I'm waiting to start as I have an event coming up and seriously don't want to get an initial breakout for it. My skin at the moment sounds quite similar to yours, mainly because I'm coming off Dianne which cleared up my cystic acne, and i'm kind of freaking out about the IB too since I experienced pretty severely when starting Dianne. My derm gave me an antibiotic, erythomycin, which apparently doesn't interfere with accutane and helps to prevent/clear an IB so i'm hoping that works! You could probably ask your derm for something similar and if you started it now then it should be in effect by the time you start accutane, if you choose to that is. I personally think you should go on accutane, as whilst I haven't taken it, I think the knowledge that you are doing something serious to help treat your acne helps with the emotional side of it.

Yeah... I really get that knowledge thing. Even though I'm waiting I feel better because I know that something is getting done about it. Especially since my skin has started to get a little worse in the last couple of days. I can't believe how patient you are - I don't know if I could wait! Especially if I had it in the house... :)

I was thinking about the antibiotic - I'm planning to ask for it, but I'm not sure how generous the NHS will be... lol.

Thanks for your reply.

Strangley I don't remember an initial breakout when I started BC, maybe I did and I just don't remember?


Posted : 06/13/2013 6:42 am

Weirdly enough I'm also starting accutane in 2 weeks! I already have a whole box in my room but I'm waiting to start as I have an event coming up and seriously don't want to get an initial breakout for it. My skin at the moment sounds quite similar to yours, mainly because I'm coming off Dianne which cleared up my cystic acne, and i'm kind of freaking out about the IB too since I experienced pretty severely when starting Dianne. My derm gave me an antibiotic, erythomycin, which apparently doesn't interfere with accutane and helps to prevent/clear an IB so i'm hoping that works! You could probably ask your derm for something similar and if you started it now then it should be in effect by the time you start accutane, if you choose to that is. I personally think you should go on accutane, as whilst I haven't taken it, I think the knowledge that you are doing something serious to help treat your acne helps with the emotional side of it.

Yeah... I really get that knowledge thing. Even though I'm waiting I feel better because I know that something is getting done about it. Especially since my skin has started to get a little worse in the last couple of days. I can't believe how patient you are - I don't know if I could wait! Especially if I had it in the house... smile.png

I was thinking about the antibiotic - I'm planning to ask for it, but I'm not sure how generous the NHS will be... lol.

Thanks for your reply.

Strangley I don't remember an initial breakout when I started BC, maybe I did and I just don't remember?

It is extremely difficult haha! I keep looking at it and kind of thinking "Should I?" but I figure in the scheme of things 2 weeks won't make too much difference in the end and I don't want my skin to have a huge freak out when it seems to have settled a little bit.

Yeah that's true, I think mine is relatively cheap but it does all add up when you have to buy it every month or so

I think it's pretty varied, I was just unfortunate in that regard. Also I started it about a month after my skin was already quite bad and that on top of an initial breakout was just hell because my skin was trying to heal old pimples whilst just going crazy so i'm pretty glad i'm off it now!


Posted : 06/13/2013 11:15 am

I really do. I'm used to the "you must use this persistently for 6 months before any results will seen" line. Thanks for replying smile.png

haha true that! Although I don't want to get your hopes up, accutane is most likely going to work, unlike all those other topicals! what do you currently use?

Yeah, and then you spend every morning for like 4 months running to the mirror expecting something to have changed all the sudden before you accept that it won't and crawl back to the doctors for something new... I really hope accutane will be the end of that for good.

To answer your question... I was on Differin and Dianette, but Differin didn't really do anything so I didn't get a refill on that perscription. Currently on Dianette, but I don't know how much of a difference that has actually made tbh. I used to use Retin A ( <3 ) but they have stopped making it angry.png. I take a bucket load of supplements... don't know how much those do either or if I'm just paying for "vey expensive pee" as my mum put it....

Have you done accutane?

>Hey there!

Because your acne is so persistent, Roaccutane does sound like quite a good idea (it might help if you posted some pictures of your skin?)

Hair loss is a very rare side effect and although it is a possibility, I think there are far worse side effects to be worried about.

I've been on Roaccutane for almost a month now and am still experiencing an initial breakout. I am like you, my acne has never been cystic, and the IB hasn't made my spots bigger, there is just more of them (and I also breakout in places that used to be clear).

I can't give you much advice about Roaccutane making you scar more because my skin is very prone to acne scars. What I would say is that if your skin never scars at all (if this is this case you are extremely lucky!) it sounds unlikely that this drug would mean you get severe scarring. I would ask your derm for advice smile.png

I feel your pain about the bitchy girls. People who have never had acne don't (and never will) understand how emotionally crippling it is.Don't let them get to you.

If you do decide to take the plunge, then I'm here for support when and if you need it smile.png

I get "scars" in the form of light red marks, but not indented. Since I know that the marks fade - and since I'll be using like SPF10000+++ on roaccutane they'll probably go even faster - they don't bother me too much.

Bitchy girls are definantly the worst... oh well, I think having acne has probably made us better people - we can relate to lots of different conditions and stuff. And anyway... theres always adult onset right... tbh I have wished that on quite a few people.

Good luck with your course! Have you had any other side effects? It would be nice to have someone just a little ahead of me timewise so that you can warn me lol.

And photos? NEVER haha. I find it hard to look in mirrors that I don't "know", let alone take photos. Seeing my skin in photos makes me such an emotional wreck. Another reason to try accutane...

Those red marks most likely arn't scars, I get them awfully and it's called post inflammation hyperpigmentation. I've been using Emu Oil at the moment to help my skin heal and that's been helping a lot.

Thanks :) Side effects.... yes... take a look at my log ;)


Posted : 06/13/2013 11:32 am

I really do. I'm used to the "you must use this persistently for 6 months before any results will seen" line. Thanks for replying smile.png

haha true that! Although I don't want to get your hopes up, accutane is most likely going to work, unlike all those other topicals! what do you currently use?

Yeah, and then you spend every morning for like 4 months running to the mirror expecting something to have changed all the sudden before you accept that it won't and crawl back to the doctors for something new... I really hope accutane will be the end of that for good.

To answer your question... I was on Differin and Dianette, but Differin didn't really do anything so I didn't get a refill on that perscription. Currently on Dianette, but I don't know how much of a difference that has actually made tbh. I used to use Retin A ( <3 ) but they have stopped making it angry.png. I take a bucket load of supplements... don't know how much those do either or if I'm just paying for "vey expensive pee" as my mum put it....

Have you done accutane?

>Hey there!

Because your acne is so persistent, Roaccutane does sound like quite a good idea (it might help if you posted some pictures of your skin?)

Hair loss is a very rare side effect and although it is a possibility, I think there are far worse side effects to be worried about.

I've been on Roaccutane for almost a month now and am still experiencing an initial breakout. I am like you, my acne has never been cystic, and the IB hasn't made my spots bigger, there is just more of them (and I also breakout in places that used to be clear).

I can't give you much advice about Roaccutane making you scar more because my skin is very prone to acne scars. What I would say is that if your skin never scars at all (if this is this case you are extremely lucky!) it sounds unlikely that this drug would mean you get severe scarring. I would ask your derm for advice smile.png

I feel your pain about the bitchy girls. People who have never had acne don't (and never will) understand how emotionally crippling it is.Don't let them get to you.

If you do decide to take the plunge, then I'm here for support when and if you need it smile.png

I get "scars" in the form of light red marks, but not indented. Since I know that the marks fade - and since I'll be using like SPF10000+++ on roaccutane they'll probably go even faster - they don't bother me too much.

Bitchy girls are definantly the worst... oh well, I think having acne has probably made us better people - we can relate to lots of different conditions and stuff. And anyway... theres always adult onset right... tbh I have wished that on quite a few people.

Good luck with your course! Have you had any other side effects? It would be nice to have someone just a little ahead of me timewise so that you can warn me lol.

And photos? NEVER haha. I find it hard to look in mirrors that I don't "know", let alone take photos. Seeing my skin in photos makes me such an emotional wreck. Another reason to try accutane...

Those red marks most likely arn't scars, I get them awfully and it's called post inflammation hyperpigmentation. I've been using Emu Oil at the moment to help my skin heal and that's been helping a lot.

Thanks smile.png Side effects.... yes... take a look at my log wink.png

I really do. I'm used to the "you must use this persistently for 6 months before any results will seen" line. Thanks for replying smile.png

haha true that! Although I don't want to get your hopes up, accutane is most likely going to work, unlike all those other topicals! what do you currently use?

Yeah, and then you spend every morning for like 4 months running to the mirror expecting something to have changed all the sudden before you accept that it won't and crawl back to the doctors for something new... I really hope accutane will be the end of that for good.

To answer your question... I was on Differin and Dianette, but Differin didn't really do anything so I didn't get a refill on that perscription. Currently on Dianette, but I don't know how much of a difference that has actually made tbh. I used to use Retin A ( <3 ) but they have stopped making it angry.png. I take a bucket load of supplements... don't know how much those do either or if I'm just paying for "vey expensive pee" as my mum put it....

Have you done accutane?

>Hey there!

Because your acne is so persistent, Roaccutane does sound like quite a good idea (it might help if you posted some pictures of your skin?)

Hair loss is a very rare side effect and although it is a possibility, I think there are far worse side effects to be worried about.

I've been on Roaccutane for almost a month now and am still experiencing an initial breakout. I am like you, my acne has never been cystic, and the IB hasn't made my spots bigger, there is just more of them (and I also breakout in places that used to be clear).

I can't give you much advice about Roaccutane making you scar more because my skin is very prone to acne scars. What I would say is that if your skin never scars at all (if this is this case you are extremely lucky!) it sounds unlikely that this drug would mean you get severe scarring. I would ask your derm for advice smile.png

I feel your pain about the bitchy girls. People who have never had acne don't (and never will) understand how emotionally crippling it is.Don't let them get to you.

If you do decide to take the plunge, then I'm here for support when and if you need it smile.png

I get "scars" in the form of light red marks, but not indented. Since I know that the marks fade - and since I'll be using like SPF10000+++ on roaccutane they'll probably go even faster - they don't bother me too much.

Bitchy girls are definantly the worst... oh well, I think having acne has probably made us better people - we can relate to lots of different conditions and stuff. And anyway... theres always adult onset right... tbh I have wished that on quite a few people.

Good luck with your course! Have you had any other side effects? It would be nice to have someone just a little ahead of me timewise so that you can warn me lol.

And photos? NEVER haha. I find it hard to look in mirrors that I don't "know", let alone take photos. Seeing my skin in photos makes me such an emotional wreck. Another reason to try accutane...

Those red marks most likely arn't scars, I get them awfully and it's called post inflammation hyperpigmentation. I've been using Emu Oil at the moment to help my skin heal and that's been helping a lot.

Thanks smile.png Side effects.... yes... take a look at my log wink.png

I was actually reading it the other day... I didn't want to be awkward and be like "Hi! Do you remember me! You gave me advice on my post!". But I suppose I will do that now. Lol.

And yeah, they aren't - they're completely flat. Will emu help fade them though? I didn't want to do too much about them on accutane, but I heard they fade MUCH slower cause your skin is so dry.


Posted : 06/13/2013 11:43 am

Lol... ;)

I have found Emu Oil to be quite effective at fading scars. I ordered it off Amazon for about £17 so it's not cheap (and you have to make sure it's 100% pure and preferably Australian Emu Oil as they have higher standards about what can go into it etc). The problem with it is that it is really oily so I can only wear it at night. There is some research to suggest that it thickens skin, which is perfect since Accutane thins your skin (it is also a good moisturiser).

Since I've stopped using Emu Oil in the mornings I brought Palmer's Cocoa butter yesterday because that is also supposed to fade marks and it will moisturise. I'll keep my log updated on how it is :)


Posted : 06/13/2013 1:26 pm

I really do. I'm used to the "you must use this persistently for 6 months before any results will seen" line. Thanks for replying smile.png

haha true that! Although I don't want to get your hopes up, accutane is most likely going to work, unlike all those other topicals! what do you currently use?

Yeah, and then you spend every morning for like 4 months running to the mirror expecting something to have changed all the sudden before you accept that it won't and crawl back to the doctors for something new... I really hope accutane will be the end of that for good.

To answer your question... I was on Differin and Dianette, but Differin didn't really do anything so I didn't get a refill on that perscription. Currently on Dianette, but I don't know how much of a difference that has actually made tbh. I used to use Retin A ( <3 ) but they have stopped making it angry.png. I take a bucket load of supplements... don't know how much those do either or if I'm just paying for "vey expensive pee" as my mum put it....

Have you done accutane?


>Hey there!

Because your acne is so persistent, Roaccutane does sound like quite a good idea (it might help if you posted some pictures of your skin?)

Hair loss is a very rare side effect and although it is a possibility, I think there are far worse side effects to be worried about.

I've been on Roaccutane for almost a month now and am still experiencing an initial breakout. I am like you, my acne has never been cystic, and the IB hasn't made my spots bigger, there is just more of them (and I also breakout in places that used to be clear).

I can't give you much advice about Roaccutane making you scar more because my skin is very prone to acne scars. What I would say is that if your skin never scars at all (if this is this case you are extremely lucky!) it sounds unlikely that this drug would mean you get severe scarring. I would ask your derm for advice smile.png

I feel your pain about the bitchy girls. People who have never had acne don't (and never will) understand how emotionally crippling it is.Don't let them get to you.

If you do decide to take the plunge, then I'm here for support when and if you need it smile.png

I get "scars" in the form of light red marks, but not indented. Since I know that the marks fade - and since I'll be using like SPF10000+++ on roaccutane they'll probably go even faster - they don't bother me too much.

Bitchy girls are definantly the worst... oh well, I think having acne has probably made us better people - we can relate to lots of different conditions and stuff. And anyway... theres always adult onset right... tbh I have wished that on quite a few people.

Good luck with your course! Have you had any other side effects? It would be nice to have someone just a little ahead of me timewise so that you can warn me lol.

And photos? NEVER haha. I find it hard to look in mirrors that I don't "know", let alone take photos. Seeing my skin in photos makes me such an emotional wreck. Another reason to try accutane...

haha 'expensive pee' and yes I am currently on Roaccutane as that's what we call it over in Europe. Any other questions you have, im happy to help.

Yeah, I'm from Scotland but since most people here are American I was just going by that wink.png What was your IB like - if you had one at all...?

Yeah my IB was pretty horrible, it made my skin so flaky and spotty. However all pustules I got dried up within a day when left alone and then just fell off and only left a little dark mark that went away in 3 days max, I was surprised as I believed it would cause many more marks for me but so far hasn't. Any more questions or advice, don't hesitate to message me.
