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I think the WORST PART about red marks is...


Posted : 07/10/2010 12:50 am

Lol ya they seem to change almost on a weekly basis... sometimes even daily. I would do anything to be free of them.


P.s I don't care that you hate weezy

I hate rock ;)


Posted : 07/10/2010 5:04 am

lol... my red marks don't change on a daily basis. My face just always looks red, bumpy and uneven.


I'm going to college in september though and there is no way i'm going to let these stupid marks hold me back.


One day when i'm a rich Digital Media pro, i'll be able to afford the best treatment.


Posted : 07/10/2010 5:47 am

ive had acne for about 3 years, i have not one clear bit on my face! coz im a girl; im very thankful for makeup which can somewhat cover acne, but once i take it off; the REAL ME is shamed.

I just started accutane, and your acne gets worse before it gets better GREAT! but im just thinking how great my skin will be once its over...hopefully :)


even my dermatologist said........ no one understands acne and how it makes us feel until you've actually got it!! its like my mates say its not bad, you will grow out of it, stop sooking its just acne- it would be different if they had......


so yes we have our ups and down days but i must admit- try control it before it gets to worse and leave dints/scars in your face! :)


Posted : 07/14/2010 1:53 am

Well, i am having lots of red marks too. I dare not even look into the mirror... These red marks have been on my face for a year. I can't go out without make-up. Its quite discouraging at times. Now i am using differin.. and my red marks are fading slowly... its still red but not all that bad now. Its so bad that i dare not go into any relationship.. I am sure the guys will freak out if they see my red face..


Posted : 07/14/2010 11:09 am

I hate how these red marks have the power to instantly shoot down your mood. I woke up today in a decent mood... looked at my marks and they were OK at best. But I washed my face and usually when I look up at the mirror while my face is still wet I can get a pretty good indication of how they will look once dry... like if while wet they look all light and pink then I know that when my face dries they will look not horrible... but if I look up and they are like this darkish red or purple and are blotchy then i know they will look shitty during the day... anyways... rant over...


Posted : 07/27/2010 12:48 am

jamesy just curious, but how many red marks do you have? from what i read, you only have 2? Think about it this way, i have 10 red marks that are RIGHT FUCKING NEXT TO EACH OTHER on my left cheek, and 7-8 on my right cheek. Yep, and ive had these for years. FML


Posted : 07/27/2010 1:27 am

Sorry bro I feel you I do, but atleast you know under there is normal skin lol I was born not to have normal skin there and did this to myself so it's frustrating in it's own way lol


Posted : 09/28/2010 6:16 pm

Bump. It feels right on a day like today because of how much I hate them.


Posted : 10/02/2010 5:20 pm

hey guys, i've just been reading this thread, and I feel exactly the same as you

im 15, and i'm tired of waiting to live my life. I would climb the highest mountain, and swim the deepest ocean to have a clear face again. It hurts really deep when I see pictures of me just 3 months ago with a completely clear face and even skin tone. I know these marks aren't permanent, and they will fade, but they're consuming my life. I think it would have been better if I hadn't gone to a dermatologist, i probably wouldn't even have red marks, because the Ziana he gave me for acne made me break out insanely over the summer. He said that it was just bringing all the acne to the surface. Why would I want my acne to come to the surface? I'd rather have it UNDER my skin...

He then gave me benyzol peroxide and clindamycin along with oral antibiotics which for the most part have made my inflammatory acne go away. Now all I have is small little bumps which are barely noticable, and OH YEAH. RED FUCKING MARKS. I'm pretty sure benyzol peroxide caused me to have these red marks, as I have had acne before but it has never faded into a fucking red mark. Everytime I walk in front of a mirror it's like a punch in the nuts. I can't take it anymore. I'm turning heads in the street for all the wrong reasons. I have al of friends who like me for who I am, and I'm a pretty funny and outgoing guy, but these red marks have taken a major toll in my self confidence. The thought of approaching a girl with this shit on my face makes my knees quiver. Life is hard enough, I don't need these red marks. I'm now considering this Clinique Almost Makeup SPF-15 stuff. I heard that guys can use it, and it can make your spots barely noticeable. It feels terrible having to resort to makeup, being a guy, but that's how goddamn insecure I've become. It feels good to know that you guys are in the same boat as me, and I look forward to getting off that boat eventually with you guys. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.


Posted : 10/31/2010 10:53 am

Use EMU OIL, it will tone your skin and make the red marks slowly fade away. Also use Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with water and dab that all over the red marks and sleep with it on. Your marks will show great improvement within days.


Sources: Myself, have had countless red marks all over my forehead and a couple by the jawline and they are fading away.


Posted : 11/01/2010 9:51 pm

Use EMU OIL, it will tone your skin and make the red marks slowly fade away. Also use Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with water and dab that all over the red marks and sleep with it on. Your marks will show great improvement within days.


Sources: Myself, have had countless red marks all over my forehead and a couple by the jawline and they are fading away.


How would I mix this in with the DKR regimen?


Posted : 11/02/2010 12:25 am

Sorry I'm not sure what the DKR Regimen is. If it's the regimen then you should be fine.


Me personally, in the day I wash my face then apply the emu oil (100%) all over and leave that on for 30 mins to an hour. The Emu oil will moisturize your entire face and won't clog pores. Then I shower and when you step out of the shower your face will be incredibly soft and the marks will probably already look slightly better.


At night, I use 50% water mixed with 50% ACV on cotton swabs over all the red marks and acne. That will dry up in around 15 mins, then you could apply your BP. Many people do this, you could even apply the BP before hand but in my experience the ACV soaks in the skin nicely so the BP could easily be added a little later with no mess.


If you read the reviews on both products, most people will say it has helped fade their marks considerably. I figured using both would work nicely, and it really has. Every single day I've used it my skin has improved. Nothing in the past has made my red marks actually fade, but these two restore the natural tone of your skin and you will see your red marks begin to blend back in to your natural color.


It's really nice, it will take commitment and some time, but you will see results from day 1 and it should only get better.


Posted : 11/06/2010 9:07 pm

Oh how I love hiding while people try to talk to me and hiding in my room during family get togethers. LIFE IS SO FUN! Yay.


Fuck this shit.


Posted : 11/10/2021 1:55 pm

You are literally the first people I have ever found who are dealing with literally the exact same thing as me. I have been dealing with them for about 6 months now and they have faded a little bit but are still there and easily visible. And last month I got a massive cyst right on the top of my cheek from my mask that has left a mark and that was just like the nail on the coffin that I did not need. I had finally started to have confidence in myself and this has completely ruined it. I wear makeup every single day just to allow myself to go out in public and function. I have thought about killing myself everyday for about a month now if Im being honest. I had some marks in the past in a much less noticeable place hay just went away in the last few weeks after over two years. So o think that if I tough it out then ten years from now they may be gone. But Im twenty years oldand in college. This is supposed to be the best part of my life, and instead I fucking hate every second of it. Im like you guys, I think I am an attractive guy and a good person, but my face has been FUCKED by this. And I dont know if I can go another two or more years like this looking in the mirror every day with such disgust. Ive been using hella products and have started laser treatments. They help a little bit but I think the only way for them to go away is to just a wait a really fucking long time. Or maybe they never will. In any event, I am at the worst point I have ever been in my entire life and these marks are one of the main reasons why.
