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Aqua Glycolic [Ends Acne. Ends Red Marks]


Posted : 01/24/2008 8:09 pm

I recently purchased two bottles of Aqua Glycolic. I have started using one but the other one is still unopened. I will be starting accutane soon so i wont be able to use these products while im on it. If anyone is interested in purchasing a new bottle, please let me know. I have a PayPal account as well. my email is [email protected]

That means I can't use this cleanser with retin-a right?


Posted : 01/25/2008 12:08 am

You can still use it, janis is talking about Accutane, Retin-A and Accutane=Different.


Posted : 01/25/2008 1:19 pm

do you all use one pump or two?


Posted : 01/25/2008 6:05 pm

Do you mean how many 'pumps' as in the amount? I pump once for each of my cheeks, and then just one more for my forehead and the temple area. So three.


Posted : 01/25/2008 11:35 pm

I use about 2 pumps per area(2 pumps for each cheek, and one pump for forehead) but that is just me because I have acne/hyperigmentation spreaded through my face. It is different for all people, just spread it around your problem areas you know?


Posted : 01/26/2008 12:03 am

I didn't feel like ordering and waiting for the product so I went from pharmacy to pharmacy asking about this product (CVS, Walgreens, Rite-Aid, etc.) Most people don't know what "Aqua Glycolic" is. I finally found a pharmacist at CVS that said it's a product they don't keep in stock but can order for you. Tell them you want it and you can come pick it up the next day for around $15. Hope that helps anyone looking to buy it.


As for using it, it has the same consistentcy as Dan's BP gel except it's kinda "melted." People say you feel a "tingle" when you first use it but I feel nothing. It actually doesn't really feel like it exfoliates either. It hasn't really reduced my red marks but I'll be giving it a long term shot as long as it doesn't cause any adverse reaction.


Posted : 01/26/2008 3:20 am

You can still use it, janis is talking about Accutane, Retin-A and Accutane=Different.

Yah but my derm told me that accutane is like retin-a in pill form...Would it get my skin extra sensitive? I'm seeing good results with aqua glycolic but i also still want to keep using my retin-a


Posted : 01/26/2008 6:25 pm

hey every one.


I have been using Retin-A 0.1% cream that my derm perscribed. It cleared up my acne and i havn't really had any acne in weeks. I also use Benzac Wash 10% in the shower to apply to my back and face. The only thing left now is my brown and red marks.


so my question is will this cleanser make me break out? and how long does it take to see results. i really want to get rid of my brown/red marks.


Posted : 01/27/2008 12:50 am

You can still use it, janis is talking about Accutane, Retin-A and Accutane=Different.

Yah but my derm told me that accutane is like retin-a in pill form...Would it get my skin extra sensitive? I'm seeing good results with aqua glycolic but i also still want to keep using my retin-a


Honestly, you will have to try it out for yourself. If you get redness and increased sensitivity then just use AG every other day.


hey every one.

I have been using Retin-A 0.1% cream that my derm perscribed. It cleared up my acne and i havn't really had any acne in weeks. I also use Benzac Wash 10% in the shower to apply to my back and face. The only thing left now is my brown and red marks.

so my question is will this cleanser make me break out? and how long does it take to see results. i really want to get rid of my brown/red marks.

Usually people do not break out using this product. Every one's skin is different so it is hard for me to tell you when you will start to see results. I saw results in about 3-5 weeks.


Posted : 01/27/2008 4:34 pm

I use about 2 pumps per area(2 pumps for each cheek, and one pump for forehead) but that is just me because I have acne/hyperigmentation spreaded through my face. It is different for all people, just spread it around your problem areas you know?

Wow.. I use 2 pumps total and I think that's more than enough.. Are we talking about the same here? One pump is the amount of cleanser you get by pressing down the pump once? Lol 😛


Posted : 01/27/2008 5:10 pm

I use about 2 pumps per area(2 pumps for each cheek, and one pump for forehead) but that is just me because I have acne/hyperigmentation spreaded through my face. It is different for all people, just spread it around your problem areas you know?

Wow.. I use 2 pumps total and I think that's more than enough.. Are we talking about the same here? One pump is the amount of cleanser you get by pressing down the pump once? Lol 😛


Yes, same thing haha.... like i said, i pretty much have acne/red marks on my entire face.


Posted : 01/28/2008 7:24 am

I use about 2 pumps per area(2 pumps for each cheek, and one pump for forehead) but that is just me because I have acne/hyperigmentation spreaded through my face. It is different for all people, just spread it around your problem areas you know?

Wow.. I use 2 pumps total and I think that's more than enough.. Are we talking about the same here? One pump is the amount of cleanser you get by pressing down the pump once? Lol 😛


Yes, same thing haha.... like i said, i pretty much have acne/red marks on my entire face.


Me too.. But things are improving with my new regime! 🙂


Posted : 01/29/2008 8:36 am

Hi Guys!!!


I've just ordered my Glycolic Acid products, after reading good things about it on this thread and others. Basically, i'm an asian male, 21, have alot of red marks, some over 3 years old, and get a few spots (pustules) every few days. But mainly it's just the red marks that are getting me down. I've ordered the following products from


10% Glycolic Cleansing Gel

15% Glycolic Acid Night Cream

Glycolic Acid Peel 30%


I'm going to use the cleanser every morning and night, the night cream every night for the next week, after which i will do my first peel. is this over doing it?


I also have a couple of other questions:

1) Should i come off the cleanser and cream 24hrs before my first peel?

2) can i apply the cleanser and cream on the same night of the peel or should i wait till the folowing day before returning to my routine?


Thank You!!!




Posted : 02/05/2008 5:25 pm

ive been using the AG cleanser for about two months now, and i dont think ive seen results yet. ive started leaving it on for 5-8 minutes or so before washing it off, do you think thats ok?


Posted : 02/05/2008 9:16 pm

yuck I'm breaking out all over! I've been using the cleanser for 3 weeks and I started out with a big breakout and now it's a steady, everyday breakout, which really sucks since I was clear before this. However, it really helps with milia, and it's fine that my blackheads are erupting because maybe they'll go away? Nothing else works for those blackheads, maybe they can just erupt and get it over with! I'll hold out the cleanser for another month or two.


By the way, I barely broke out with the toner...


Posted : 02/06/2008 1:09 am

I want to say that the last 2 days I have used only water to cleanse, and I have barely had any breakout at all. That is amazing.. I thinl that all this shit we put on our face can make us break out, even if it's only 1 product.


Posted : 02/07/2008 11:09 am

Hi Guys!!!

I've just ordered my Glycolic Acid products, after reading good things about it on this thread and others. Basically, i'm an asian male, 21, have alot of red marks, some over 3 years old, and get a few spots (pustules) every few days. But mainly it's just the red marks that are getting me down. I've ordered the following products from

10% Glycolic Cleansing Gel

15% Glycolic Acid Night Cream

Glycolic Acid Peel 30%

I'm going to use the cleanser every morning and night, the night cream every night for the next week, after which i will do my first peel. is this over doing it?

I also have a couple of other questions:

1) Should i come off the cleanser and cream 24hrs before my first peel?

2) can i apply the cleanser and cream on the same night of the peel or should i wait till the folowing day before returning to my routine?

Thank You!!!

OMG! Don't ever use a glycolic peel if you're using any other AHA products, you'll only burn your face and end up with weepy patches! It happened to me a few years ago.


Posted : 02/07/2008 2:59 pm

OMG! Don't ever use a glycolic peel if you're using any other AHA products, you'll only burn your face and end up with weepy patches! It happened to me a few years ago.



Posted : 02/08/2008 8:31 am

Help - I would like to try this stuff ! It sounds great & exactly what I need.

Im in the UK though, and Im 17. My parents dont buy stuff online & I obviously cant.

Please help - can I buy this over the counter in the UK?


Much appretiated



Posted : 02/09/2008 12:00 pm

can you use it with bp? is it just aha?


Posted : 03/12/2008 12:06 am

I was using Aqua Glycolic and it was getting rid of redmarks somewhat, but I was still getting acne. After about 1-2 months of using it, I just started using the Salicylic Acid that I was using before with the Glycolic Acid and oh my god my redmarks that have been there forever from cysts are almost the same color as my normal skintone! Nothing like that BioOil crap worked for me. I use the Glycolic Acid in the shower (it says use on dry skin but whatever) then I use the Salicylic Acid 2% on top of it, then I let them both sit there for about a minute. Sometimes I will feel a little tingle. Then I get my hands wet and froth it up a little bit before I rinse it off. I don't have any problems with peeling or anything, I guess my face is made of steel. I don't ever go in the sun other than house to car to work and vice versa so I guess it's okay. I've also been using a blue/red light box also, but the cream is what is really getting rid of the red marks. I also take a strong antioxidant formula vitamin, fish oil, and glucosamine, chondroitin, msm, and hyaluronic acid combo to aid in the skin regeneration.


Edit: I use an antibacterial soap containing triclocarbon on my face and body and I use the AHA + BHA at the end of my shower. I also rinse with cold water before I get out to close the pores.


Posted : 03/12/2008 2:29 am isnt working :(


Posted : 03/13/2008 3:51 pm

Hi guys! I am considering giving Aqua Glycolic a try. It sounds like a really good product. So here's my story:


I used Retin-A .025% for 12 weeks to get rid of my red marks. It didn't work. Then I used Reti-A .05% for 12 weeks. That didn't work either. I don't have many pimples, but I do get some occasionally. And I've had some of my red marks for up to about 8 months.


Okay, so what products do you guys recommend? Where do I go to purchase them? How do I use them? Are there any side effects?




Posted : 03/14/2008 11:09 pm

Aqua Glycolic just made me break out, didnt help acne at all just made more red marks from the new pimples.


Posted : 03/15/2008 10:11 pm

Aqua Glycolic just made me break out, didnt help acne at all just made more red marks from the new pimples.

Sorry to hear that, sometimes people react to it negatively.

So did you want to try out Aqua Glycolic? If so, try using the cleanser first, you can buy it at the website: or you can go to pharmacies listed:
