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Subcision - severe lumps and hematomas


Posted : 06/03/2023 2:45 pm

2nd day after nokor subcision and derma-microneedling 2.5mm depth. Severe bruises and lumps, worried they will turn into permanent hypertrophic scars or keloids.

I am avoiding suction. Taking vitamin c 500mg daily, Omega 3 daily. Topical Arnica gel, and Endor Lasergen cream. Massage the lumps with hot compress twice a day.

Should i start taking aspirin tablets?

What other ways to prevent formation of hypertrophic scars or keloids?

This topic was modified 11 months ago by Ishayat
Member Admin

Posted : 06/06/2023 10:15 am

It seems like you're handling it well. A few questions:

  • When you say "massage" you mean very light, yes? Did your doc tell you to do this?
  • When you say "hot" compress, from the research I've read, warm is best for healing, and hot might not be the best. But again, have you checked with your doc?

As far as how things look, just from a layperson, things look ok to me. It looks how I would expect a healing, somewhat swollen, wound to look at this point.

But... time is obviously of the essence. So, have you talked to your doc? I would for sure call them today and get on a screen call at the very least and show them what's up and what you're doing and make sure you are on the right track. That will at the very least calm your mind. With anything medical, you have to stay your own advocate. Be nice, but in a very friendly way try not to take no for an answer. You are under their care and deserve to be looked at, particularly at this important time of healing.
