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Help with cystic acne


Posted : 04/06/2024 2:48 am

Hope everyone is doing well.

I'm a 38-year-old male who has suffered from acne since the age of 14. I suffer occasional breakouts mainly a handful around the mouth usually from stress or from a poor eating habits (I think).

I've just got a spot on my chin that has been here for over a week. I could feel it under the skin for 2 days then it was a blind spot for another two days. I thought I'd caught it when it came to a whitehead and an acne sticker drew it out but sadly it seems to have come back with a vengeance. The spot has got a bit larger and has inflammation but it's just a red pimple although a small whitehead appears to be emerging.

I'm thinking more of the infection is to come out? Does anyone have any advice to speed up the process? I've been using acne stickers at the moment. I have put a mere smidge of Sudocream on it but I'm now starting to think is that what has made it worse? I'm pale-skinned, suffer from sensitive, reactive skin and have dermatitis back of my ears and I think on the side of my face and neck (the flaky side isn't visible but it looks to have a yellow-ish colour when scratched)

Any advice would be welcomed.

Take care.

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Member Admin

Posted : 04/07/2024 9:48 am

Those big ones on your chin can be tricky because it could also be an ingrown hair. Especially when they're extra nasty, sometimes it's more of an ingrown hair situation.

There's not a lot you can do at this point I don't think. Once it's red and angry, you just have to let it run its course. A hot compress can help bring the white head out and allow you to pop it, but don't pop until it very clearly has a white head.

What do you do generally to keep your acne under control by the way?
