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Please somebody help me!


Posted : 08/31/2016 11:47 am

Hello guys,

im currently writing in today about my acne. I'm 16 years old and have had really bad acne from around 13 years old mostly on my cheeks but recently it's spreading to my chin. I've been referred to the hospital dermatology after having tried many prescription creams from the doctors such as Epiduo etc and the hospital started me on Tetralysal. After about 6-9 months, my acne really cleared and I was so happy. I no longer cried before going to school and was no longer scared of going into school anymore, however this only lasted about a few months. Recently my acne has been very bad, as I will show with the photos attached. It's never been this bad and I'm not sure why it's gone like this, I believe it may be a new NARS sheer glow foundation I am using but this is the best consistency and coverage foundation I have worn so I would like to stay with it as my other foundations just made my acne look more noticeable. I know some people may say stop wearing makeup it will help, I have tried that and if anything my skin became worse. I have tried so many creams, light face washes and moisturisers and everything anyone has said. I've recently come back from a holiday in Spain on the 9th of August and so expected my spots to be worse for a week or two but as you can see in the photos it's really bad. I believe it is severe acne as it went from moderate to severe to mild after my tablets but now it's the worst it has been. My confidence is at an all time low, I don't talk to many people and don't even want to start college due to this. Does anyone have any prescription drugs that has helped them? Or skins also immensely sensitive but yeah, please someone help:(( 





Posted : 09/01/2016 3:27 pm

Your acne looks so similar with mine when I was 16 when I had the worst breakout ever ... Since that breakout I was thinking I will follow derms instructions and everything will be fine.. Pretty easy , right? Nope , wrong . My acne never stoped , I constantly get that shit and now I am full of scars . You wanna live your ? Go on Accutane because ur acne have scarring potential. Don 't repeat my mistake please..The only thing I want to do anymore in this life is to help others . Don t let ur derm to put you on other shitty pills or creams . Accutane is the way to go.Peace and love!
