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Exfoliation and Hyperpigmentation?


Posted : 02/18/2016 11:35 pm

Does exfoliation help with hyperpigmentation left behind by acne? I'm not referring to those harsh scrubs with apricot husk or what-nots but rather, a kind of gentle cream that contains AHA and BHA that's supposed to applied on the face and let sit for 10 minutes (specifically Dermalogica Gentle Cream Exfoliant). I have tried this product before and my face felt smooth after that but I didn't have much pigmentation that time so I'm not sure of its efficacy in 'erasing' them. I always follow up with moisturizing after exfoliation by the way.

Thanks for your input.


Posted : 02/19/2016 3:18 pm

Hi there,
AHAs are excellent in helping with hyperpigmentation - the best of which is MandelicAcid (40-50%), but I also love Glycolic Acid (30%).
Gentle over the counter AHAs aren't really going to do the trick though. Hyperpigmentation requires a dilligentchemical peel routine (weekly sessions for about 5-6 weeks in a row) to see real results.

Don't do it all at once though.. You have to train your skin for chemical peels.

There are places where you can get at home peels like Makeup Artist's Choice or MedPeel - but please read instructions carefully if you are interested in trying them. You will also need a very good moisturizer as you undergo the peeling.

With love,
