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dry skin on accutane


Posted : 02/08/2016 10:29 am

on about month 2 of accutane and in the last few days have really realllllly started to dry out. my entire cheeks and chin area is nothing but peeling skin. i know this is normal so i'm not worried, but just want to know if there's anything i can do to help it. i currently use CeraVe face cream. it helps a little but still become dry and flaky after a while. also will it stay this dry until i come off the medicine or will this go away after a week or two? Thanks!!


Posted : 02/08/2016 6:36 pm

I start accutane on March 1st, from all the research I've done, a lot of people say 100% organic jojoba oil on your skin would be very beneficial (non pore clogging) sells a bottle, but you can find jojoba oil just about anywhere, just make sure its a good quality oil. You can add 3-4 drops to your current face cream, or use the oil directly. Hope this helps! <3
