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I Despise Acne So Much. So Fed Up With It.


Posted : 06/29/2015 8:57 pm

I've been having acne for 3 years now. At first they were just pus filled pimples, and i would get at least 3, or 4. But i started picking and popping them, which made things worse. I started getting tons of them, and my cheeks got so red i couldn't face people properly, i didn't want to leave my house. The main problem is in my forehead next nose cheeks(if u know where im talking about, not cheeks cheeks, but more of the inside cheeks) and temples. About an year ago my pimples changed, i started getting like hard puss things, it is really weird and i searched online but no one else seems to have them. They are like tiny yeallowish rocks, and when i rub my fingers through my cheeks i feel them, and with my nail i can easily take it off. Sometimes it leaves a mini hole, it seems to be like an open pore where the thing was. Anyway, this hole goes away with time so no worries. My pores in my next to nose zones are so big! When i look my reflection in my phone when im outside, its just awful and so ugly, just so ugh. Its much more embarassing cause my friends have all clear skin, and they will never know how it feels like. They can't understand why im always at home, saying im weird and boring. They will never know.

Why do i have to spend my teenage years like this? Its so unfair! I want to hang out with my friends, go to parties, socialize, make tons of friends, get drunk, idk, normal stuff? But i can't. Im stuck at home. My family is always like why don't u go out and make friends, but they don't know either. Im the only one suffering from this. But its not like im not thankful to my parents, they did the best they could, taking me to the derm, buying everything i insisted them would work, spending lots of money in stuff that wouldn't work, again and again.

Im going through every day thinking that it will get better, i mean what else can i do. I think im going insane, and i became such a social retard. Acne seems so unharmful, but it affects you so deeply in your mind, and sometimes i spend my whole day thinking about it, imagining my life without it, but crying every time i look in the mirror.

My question was, does anyone have the same hard puss like things like me? I can't be the only one. I still get whiteheads and blackheads though, plus this dried puss things. Im currently doing the oil cleansing method, but its not that good. Im sure there are lots of people here with worse acne than mine, and sorry if u think im making a big deal out of nothing, but i had to vent somewhere. I'll leave a pic of my forehead pimples, please tell me what you think.


Posted : 06/29/2015 10:36 pm

You're not making a big deal out of nothing. Your family would understand if they went through it, but they didn't. So do you. Don't go outside your comforts zone. What's traumatizing to you is nothing for them. And pictures would definitely help. I've seen people with lots of yellow puss things on their face.


Posted : 06/30/2015 6:00 am

People never understand what we feel like unless they have acne.


The reason is simple : they don't pay nearly as much attention as we do to skin quality, they typically don't notice your acne much unless it's really severe.

We started to get acne and focus too much on it.


I didn't really notice or pay attention to other people's acne until I became aware of mine.


Posted : 07/01/2015 12:52 pm

I can't help with what you describe without really seeing a photo sorry but I can tell you your not alone. I would say I have become totally obsessed with my skin and also other people's I feel like everyone around me has flawless skin and I did too until recently. I am so embarrassed about my face when I first met my boyfriend I had beautiful skin a lot of people mentioned to me about how clear it was ect and I never really took much notice. Now I look at old photos of myself everyday, look in the mirror constantly and just depress myself even more. I wish away the days just wanting to go to sleep so that I might wake up with some of the spots reduced ect but there are always new ones in there place. Acne is something that really can ruin your life if you let it, I dread the weekends because I just constantly want to cancel plans and hide away :( x


Posted : 07/04/2015 6:46 am

You basically described my life :(
