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What Could Be The Root Of My Acne?


Posted : 05/25/2015 7:53 pm

I've tried everything short of prescription medicine for my acne and I can never seem to get past around 70% clear >_<.


Since going on my diet (vegan+restrictions on processed foods) my acne has gotten much better but still not completely gone.

At the moment, I take olive leaf extract everyday and use stark skincare's grapefruit cleanser along with apple cider vinegar after showering. I eat a lot of vegetables, and try to drink a lot of water... I can't think of anything I'm doing wrong, so what could possibly be the problem? Any ideas would be much appreciated, thank you ^_^.


Posted : 05/27/2015 10:05 am

it could be your night time regimen. Try washing your face and hair before bed with oil- free soap, and if you have long hair, be sure to tie it up, so it doesn't get in your face while you sleep. I use Ologys oatmeal bar soap along with the SleepClean pillowcase. Really has done wonders. Hope this helps !


Posted : 05/29/2015 12:20 am

I'll try your advice and see if it helps, thanks!
