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My Problem Skin Story


Posted : 04/17/2015 6:08 am

Okay so here's my story...


Having had clear skin throughout my teenage years I thought I was out of the danger of ever having problematic skin... Oh how wrong I was... So I started getting mild acne on my forehead, at that time I made a big fuss over it, so off I went to get the NLite and the chemicial peel done at the Private Clinic on Harley street. Paid ALOT of money for the courses and ended up with acne all over... From my experience The private clinic was the worse experience ever!


So I ended up with horrible skin, fell into depression. Hated the mirror! Stopped going out and started isolating myself etc.


I tried a ton of over the counter product, expensive and cheap ones, nothing really helped (thankfully online shopping existed)...


Went doctors and didn't feel like anything they prescribed me helped. The conception pills actually made it worse for me.


My face, I guess it went through a great bashing since I was using all types of rubbish on it. Even used a product that ended up burning my skin lol. I was so desperate to find anything that worked.


So in 2011, I decided to go visit a chinese doctor, Dr.Li in Harley street. I can't exactly remember how much I paid but lol these treatments surely don't come cheap. So with Dr. Li, I underwent through accupunture, cupping, drinking chinese herbs and some medicine thing that she puts on my face. I went there without high hopes but thought if it didn't work at least there wouldn't be much side effects. Surprisingly it worked for me, after two to three months and I can happily say till today my skin is still going good... I stopped going to see her after my skin improved and haven't been back since.


Today my face regime is very simple face wash, tone and moist, all for sensitive skin and I stopped using any harsh products which helped alot. I changed my face products to Korean brand and founded they worked on me best. I still get the monthly occassion 2-3 spots due to hormone, lol which can not be helped.


Anyways so I had clear skin for almost 4 years, So here is the real reason for posting a message. Even though I managed find a way to clear my skin, I ended up with tons of acne pits, forehead,cheeks and chin. I have finally found the courage to go to another clinic and seek "professional" help for these little devils...


I went for a conslutation yesterday at the PHI Clinic in Harley street. I paid 50 which is redeemable if you choose to have a treatment. My conslutation was with a lady called Jodi, she seemed really nice and knew what she was talking about (but don't they all, when they want your money? Lol)... Anyways I knew that no product in this world will get rid of pits so I decided to go with her recommeneded treatment a course of 3 infini... I paid a ouching price of 2100 and will have my first treatment next Tuesday. I am abit skeptical about it all but I really would like to "improve" my acne pits (since perfect smooth, flat skin is unrealistic). I would like to share my infini journey with you guys... For good and for worse.


I will post pictures of my moderate acne pits later on today.


Hopefully I didn't bore you guys with my sob story.


Posted : 04/17/2015 5:04 pm

My left and right cheeks have moderate acne pit scarring. I am not too bothered with my forehead and chin since they are very mild and the scarring on them doesn't really bother me that much. My aim is to improve the pittings on the cheeks.


Next week Tuesday, I shall show how it looks after treatment and then so on. Nervous about it but I will just stick it out. No pain no gain, apparently it does hurt...




Posted : 07/30/2016 5:02 pm

any update?
