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I'm Frustrated. My Skin Is Full Of Acne And Oily.


Posted : 04/16/2015 10:13 pm

I have been struggling with acen my whole teenage life and I am 20 years old now.

It has had its ups and downs but recently it is just horrible. My routine is as follows:

Morning: I just rinse with water in the shower.

Night: I use Cetaphil gentle skin cleanser, 2.5% BP from Neutrogena spot, and then Cerve Moisturizing Lotion.

- This has worked for me for a while, but now I just feel like it isn't. My cheeks have acne all over, some on my forehead near uni-brow, and a little on my chin and jaw line. It has been an ongoing battle, it is frustrating. Now I recently have been having oily skin during the day too, which probably doesn't help.

I just want this to go away. Any recommendations?



Posted : 04/19/2015 8:23 am

This is just based from my personal experience. I still get breakouts here and there But it has gotten much better! what works for me is to always stay hydrated. I know you've seen this pretty much everywhere, but please, try to drink water as much as you can. :)


I have extremely oily skin too, and these nasty pimples love an oily environment!


You can use oil control sheets to get rid of the excess oil especially during the day. :)


its a good thing you use a mild cleanser, i use a mild baby cleanser. Stay away from acne cleansers as much as possible! And use acne treatments only to affected areas (dont put it all over your face hehe)


And the last thing..

I know washing our face more than twice is bad for our skin..


But i find it more effective to wash thrice a day... it really helps my face from getting really oily and acne loves oily skin.... so. Yeah. :)


Hope this helps! If it doesn't... it's alright

Haha, have a good day!


Posted : 04/19/2015 10:26 pm

Hi, Jon94..............Yes, you want your acne gone and I don't blame you. But, the best way to clear yourself of acne is to understand it. Acne is a symptom of a liver that is full of toxic buildup. Primitive cultures, no matter where they live on the globe very rarely have acne. They rarely have it because their diet if free of hormone and antibiotic meats, free of vegetables and fruits covered with pesticides and herbicides, free of milk and cheese with enough hormones to produce puberty in ten year olds.......You get my drift?

IF you truly want to get and keep a clear, smooth complexion, you should start educating yourself by googling sites that discuss the relationship between acne and diet. Start googling things like "Raw food diet and acne", "Totally Raw Christina",.....".Can eating a vegan diet clear up acne?" Read, read, read,......and you will understand what you have to do to get rid of acne forever. It may seem difficult at first, but if you truly want clear skin, it can be done, and is actually very easy once you know what to eat and what not to eat.

Basically, what you are going to do is flush the toxins out of your body and not put any more into your body. To start, cut out ALL cold cuts, no bacon, no steak. Cut out ALL dairy milk, no yogurt, no cheese. No junk chips, no pretzels, no cheese puffs! No Soda, no alcohol!

No food coloring, no preservatives......That means no Gatorade, no Cool Whip and other phoney foods.

You are going to drink lots of water.......64 ounces a day.......sip it all day long.....preferably filtered. Squeeze one organic lemon into your water, one lemon a day. You are going to eats tons of fresh organic fruits and vegetables. Breakfast can be a smoothie with organic frozen pineapple, cherries, blueberries, bananas, organic OJ, all whipped up into a smoothie. Costco has big bags of frozen organic berries. Breakfast can also be organic whole oats with raisens and organic toast.....check out the organic section of your local supermarket for organic bread.....usually in the freezer section. You can have avocados, though, not too a day......Dinner.....huge salad....Kale, spring mix, baby spinach, red onion, red pepper, beans of any kind .....all organic. On the sites you will be googling, you will find receipes and ideas of things to eat. IF you cut out ALL dairy and ALL meats and drink lots of water with a lemon squeezed in, you will see big improvements within 2 weeks......If you keep it up, by week 6, you should be pretty acne free. You must make sure you are getting enough vitamins and minerals, so go on [removed] and keep track of the foods you eat and you can see what nutrients you are lacking, then you can add them. You can also have walnuts and almonds. Again, educate yourself! Good luck!


Posted : 04/21/2015 3:42 am

I have the same problem as you. Here are my own experiences.Avoid touching your face. Many people unconsciously pick at their pimples or touch their face. Touching your face with your hands can spread harmful bacteria, and popping your pimples can cause inflammation and scarring.Drink plenty of water and eat healthy. Exercising daily will help relieve stress and optimize blood flow throughout the body. Try to shower or bathe immediately after exercising. This will keep sweat and dirt from clogging your pores and causing breakouts.Exercising daily will help relieve stress and optimize blood flow throughout the body. Try to shower or bathe immediately after exercising. This will keep sweat and dirt from clogging your pores and causing breakouts.Hope I can help you.
