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Question Regarding Cyst/mount Everest


Posted : 02/21/2015 10:38 am

Hello all, so i was put on epiduo and aczone about 2 months ago and my skin looks awesome execpt for one thing. I just recently got the biggest cyst(possibly pustule ever idk) right on my chin. I have been on doxycycline for 4 months because 4 months ago i got a huge one but not as bad as this one. This one hurt to sleep and then some pus drained and most of the pain went away. The biggest problem is the swelling around the pimple. Last night and this morning my face was lobsided. Does anyone think this could be staph(mrsa) or cellulitis? I have pictures of before and after the pus came out. You can see the swelling if you look my jaw is completely f**** up. Im 19 and had several voice cracks in the last 2 weeks and other hormone related issues so it could be a massive hormonal zit. Any suggestions to help heal it(im not picking at it anymore i only did when a small head came to it to relieve the pain). I have a derm appointment next week and im going to force accutane becasue this doxy bs isnt helping.




Posted : 02/21/2015 12:20 pm

See if you can get a hydrocolloid bandage from the drug store and stick it on there. It should drain it.


Posted : 02/21/2015 5:15 pm

Really - Accutane for one cyst? Oof.

I second the above poster, and no I don't think it's MRSA. Pop an ibuprofen for the swelling and wait it out.
