Clear all

Nothing At All?


Posted : 01/26/2015 4:16 pm

Okay, so I'll give you guys a rundown.

I've had acne since I was hmm, like 11?

It all began on my forehead, becuase my mom wanted my to get bangs... and then it, of course, went to my chin and nose area. I have moderate acne, it's not on my actualy nose or cheeks, just the forehead and chin, and usually under my eyes.

I have periods of very little to no acne under my eyes (more on that later!) but my chin has always a perisiting presence, even my foread stuff goes away sometimes (later)

So, after a year, I began the lengthy process of growing out them bangs, becuase I was sick of them. I began styling my hair competely over the rigt side of my face for over a year. (what WAS I thinking?? )

During this time, I abdolutely ATTACKED the left side of my face with roducts, because that was the part I could see.

The left side ALWAYS had acne at this point, but the right was very clear. I didn't mess with it, I just left it.

So after I grea my bangs out fully, I re-put my hair off my face more and began notcing my perfectly fine, right side.

Shortly after, more acne showed up over there!

Conidence, was there? See it I did not.

So, after trying mulitple egg washes, peroxide treatments, washes, scrubs, you name it, I have it, and it's just getting worse.

The clearest my face has ever been when I just don't anyhting to it at all! Just water.

I really want to to just switch off everything, but I'm afraid I'll have a massive breakout and my cheeks, which have always been clear, will get the acne sentence too.

Using products aslo just gets in the way SO much. I'm so tired of them.

How should I give my skin the all clear? Slowly dcrease use? Or just like a button, BOOM, all gone, right now, today?

Has anyone had any experince with using ZERO stuffs on their skin?



Posted : 01/26/2015 7:57 pm

Only way to tell is to try not using anything for a few months, see how you end up.
By the way, what are peroxide treaments? sounds scary!


Posted : 01/27/2015 12:33 pm

Only way to tell is to try not using anything for a few months, see how you end up.

By the way, what are peroxide treaments? sounds scary!

Well, no adverse side effects, but it's only been maybe half a day!

I used benzoyal peroxide (cream) for a while, but it made increbily flakey and irritated. And then I tried just regular liquid peroxide as a spot trreamtent.


Posted : 01/27/2015 3:49 pm

My sons recently stopped nightly use of BP and it's actually working well! As they've gotten older and are more careful with their diet, their acne has gotten milder. And BP didn't seem to be helping, particularly with the cold dry weather. They still got new zits and their skin was always red and irritated looking.


So they both began using less of the BP awhile back and it became apparent that the areas they didn't use it were completely clear! They quit the BP completely a few weeks ago, and their skin actually looks better. No new zits and the red marks seem to be fading quicker. They have a couple small zits but they're way less red and angry looking, and they heal up quickly.


I do think BP is a great product, however, for milder cases of acne, regular use of it may not make a significant enough difference, particularly if it is irritating the skin.


I should also add that being careful with diet and reducing carbs, sugar, and dairy seems to have a greater impact on the skin than any topical.


Posted : 01/28/2015 10:34 am

Alrighty, today my skin is about the same, but the areas where there no pimples looks great. Soft and not as irritated looking.

Remaining ones still healing, but I've only gotten about to whiteheads and no new big ones.
