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Bumps On Forehead


Posted : 01/26/2015 5:57 pm

Someone please help me!


I have absolutely no clue what theese are, if they're acne or not, and how they even got there.


I've always had reasonably clear skin and at the end of last year I developed a few of theese little bumps so for the whole summer holidays I wore absolutely no face makeup to see if that made a difference & it didn't! I do my skin care regime twice a day everyday but theese things just won't budge and they bring my confidence down so much!


They don't itch, they don't hurt, they don't irriate but they are visible! So if anyone knows what they are or could lead me in the right direction it would be much appreciated


Posted : 01/26/2015 8:08 pm

A picture would be helpful. It could be a lot of different things, but hard to say without a picture or more information.
