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4 Years Of Reasearch!finally!


Posted : 01/19/2014 4:29 pm

Ok so after 4 years of on/off cystic acne on back chest (now scarred) face, I figured out that accutane does not cause depression, but therefore the way your acne looks, and on accutane you may get a strong breakout( which will make you even more self conscious). Acne leads to the anxious feeling of " oh man I can't be seen like this, I'm not gonna look good enough) so you'll avoid people, and now you'll automatically become depressed( in a depressed state your body cannot function properly) now that you thought these negative thoughts they're going to stick around and come up again when you have to see someone, hiding something is a lie which therefore won't go away until it's shown, your now being controlled by fear(satan) so you need to realize that acne is a symptom.


Ask yourself this?

Do I have digestive problems?



My history I always started breaking out in the winter months, very heavily. I looked pale, stuffy nose, weird voice, had huge pimples that I would squeeze


I (hated) the way I looked and figured nobody is going to like this. So now I took a little pimple and blew it up into a huge problem, so now my mind is set to the thought of having pimples and nobody likes it. So I'm so far in this fear that now this is my life, now if I keep thinking this way I'm sure it's gonna get worst, example of you kept telling your self you have no money chances are you'll never have money


Basically in my case my digestive system would mess up during the winter because I have not been drinking enough water


In United States, most doctors are practicing and selling products, they treat acne as a red sore with puss. They give you either an antibiodic, topicals, evey year there's a new product,or stuff to shrink your glands, this is only treating the pimple make one problem into a much larger


The question-what caused the pimple?


You must find the root cause.


What causes acne?


In my studies a poor digestive system is the cause, if your backed up in anyway there's so many toxins attacking your body-- that your body can't "worry" about a pimple. So now you might squeeze it or wash it with soap, your skin oils are a natural Eco system w natural bacteria fighters, it's easy to fall into a hole


Our body is mostly water, it's essential.


It's not what you eat buts it's how you eliminate it.


My cure is to eat and drink around the same times each day, pee throughout the day, make sure my pee is never yellow.


So my cure was when acne arrived, do not wash or touch it, basically (leave it alone)


But once u get it it takes a while to get rid


----If your face back or chest is covered here's what to do.


Set 3 different times to eat. Eat at those times everyday!!make sure


Stop washing the acne! If you shower only wash your private parts or dirty parts, leave it alone, if anything once and a while u can wipe your face down with a tissue just until there's no more sort showing on the napkin


This is very important




Drink lots of fluids accept soda( seltzer is cool)

Split the time of drinking out evenly


Example( eat at 8am-1pm-6pm-----drink every hour

Set an alarm on your phone


Make sure your going to the bathroom around the same time each day, if your not you may be backed up already(if you are use prune juice or laxative)


Join a gym or find somewhere to use a sauna, this will eliminate acbe fast,


Join the town pool


If you get really sweaty just rinse of, again do not use soap on acne!!!!


Basically every illness is related to your digestive system. Think about what other health issues you have,


If your confused ask me questions!!!! Thanks for reading


Posted : 01/21/2014 1:32 pm

70-80% of your immune system is in your gut, so when its not healthy or functioning the way it should be, your ability to produce secratory Iga, your first line of defence against pathogens, is compromised. Not to mention your brush boarder isn't able to secrete sucrase, lactase and maltase, all important enzymes to break down and digest disaccharide's that are found in your food! A healthy guy is very important to overall health.

However, with that being said, it doesn't mean that having a healthy digestive system is the key to preventing acne. Everyone is different and although this might help, it certainly isn't the cause. If this were the case then probtioics would be a great remedy to treat and prevent acne. If you think this is the cause for your acne then I would highly recommend you take probtioics and see if they have any noticeable effect on you. Any lactobacillus or bifidobacterium strain should do.
