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How To Beat Pityrosporum Folliculitis


Posted : 01/19/2014 3:11 pm

Hello everybody. I doubt this thread will get much attention here. Seeing how most of you are suffering from normal acne, this thread will not be much use to you. However for those out there suffering with the fungal infection know as Pityrosporum Folliculitis, this message if for you... I want to help as many people as possible because its a very frustrating condition that needs to be delt with in a certain way. So whether you're reading this the day I wrote it, or years down the line via a google search, please know there is a way to rid yourself of this.

First let me tell you how I got the fungal infection. I have suffered from acne all of my life. Recently, my derm put me on solodyn for nearly a year. It got good results at first, but eventually became useless... So he put me on Accutane. I was on 'tane for close to 9 months. During that course, I got a staph infection in my back hairline (my derm blamed in on my barber). So I was prescribed Keflex for a month. It wasn't healed as much as I had hoped, so I asked for more.. and he kept giving more. When it was all said and done, I was on Keflex for nearly 5 months. Now during these 2 years of Accutane and antibiotics (solodyn is a antibiotic), my diet was AWFUL. Fast food, ice cream, pop, cookies, cake, candy, fried food, pizza, you name it.. everyday I ate what I wanted, as much as I wanted. Now antibiotics kill bad bacteria, but they also kill good bacteria... this allows the candida yeast in you (we all have it) to overpower your intestines and give people what is known as Candida Albicans. I had this condition for several months but never knew it until the folliculitis started showing up. I can't say for sure if Accutane aided the yeast or not. Some people on the net say Accutane can cause yeast infections, and some say it cannot. Regardless, my face is crystal clear, but I have zits all over my body, with hair follicles in them. This can be cause by bacteria or yeast. I had 2 cultures done at 2 different doctors. Both came back as sterile.. meaning no bacteria. I guess yeast/fungal is hard to pick on on those. So that ruled out bacterial infection, yet 1 derm wanted to put me on antibiotics. DO NOT TAKE ANTIBIOTICS IF YOU HAVE YEAST INFECTIONS. IT WILL ONLY MAKE IT WORSE. So I dumped that derm and stuck with the one who actually agreed with me that it was fungal. We did a biopsy next, and it came back as fungal. I also had my yeast antibodies checked, which are iga, igg and ige. These came back elevated, indicating that I had candida overgrowth in my stomach, which was going into my blood, and creating the follicullis on my body.

So the treatment I suggest is convincing your derm to prescribe you either ketoconazole or itraconazole (diflucan is useless against this). Ask for 200mg 2xday for at least a month. Buy probiotics (they restore good bacteria to fight the yeast), buy antifungal supplements (grapefruit seed extract, oregano oil extract, turmeric, etc), go on the candida diet (no sugar, no yeast, no gluten, no dairy, no wheat). This diet is absolute torture in the beginning.. but if it cures you, there should be no argument. Drink detox teas. Don't cheat or you'll just delay your improvement. This diet will starve out the yeast in you, and the medication, antifungals and probiotics will aid in the fight. The diet is the real key though. Pills won't cure this alone. A candida cleanse from a health store couldn't hurt either. I would suggest doing this regiment for at least 3 months to insure you killed the yeast and are ready to start introducing other foods back into your diet.

So if you have pityrosporum folliculis, please know there is hope. This was one of the worst times in my life dealing with this stuff, and I still have it, but I know this regiment is helping. Do research on candida overgrowth and be careful of antibiotics in the future. I will be avoiding them at all costs for the rest of my life. I hope this post helps people in the future.


Posted : 01/29/2014 6:43 pm

Thanks so much for sharing your experience. I happened to stumble upon this thread today as I was trying to find more information on pityrosporum folliculitis the web. I was diagnosed with mononucleosis in early October, but before I knew I had mono, I had taken penicillin for ten days for what I thought was strep throat. Needless to say, even though my throat got better, within three days I was breaking out in itchy red rashes all over my upper chest. I'm still getting the rashes, though they look a lot more like acne now and they no longer itch when I get them. It was only a week ago (after many doctor and dermatologist visits) that I saw a dermatologist who finally seemed to know what I had and diagnosed me with pityrosporum folliculitis as well.

She prescribed 2% ketoconazole cream to apply twice a day to the spots and also oral 100mg fluconazole to take once every week for one month. This dosage/strength seems extremely low compared to what you've suggested...and I also noticed you said Diflucan (fluconazole) is useless. May I ask why fluconazole is ineffective? It's only been a week so far, but I haven't noticed any changes in my skin despite applying the ketoconazole cream and taking fluconazole. I'm not sure if it's because I haven't given it enough time yet or what. It's at least comforting to know I'm not the only one going through this! I'm so afraid this will become a permanent or untreatable condition. I'm going to try to buy some probiotic supplements and follow your advice on changing my diet to see if that helps. Also do you think adding coconut oil to my diet would help? I read here ([removed]) that it's effective in killing Candida yeast. I'm a little confused though, is Candida a different yeast from Pityrosporum/Malassezia? And if so, does treatment differ? I was able to find a lot of information concerning Candida yeasts, like the Candida Diet...yet nothing for Malassezia.


Posted : 01/30/2014 9:31 am

why on earth are you listening to a derm? noob mistake


Posted : 11/24/2014 1:25 pm

Tiff, are you still dealing with this condition. I have found a good way to manage it but I'm actively looking for the real cure, which I believe I have found. Look up "fecal transplants". People are doing this to cure IBS, Crohns, candida, C. Diff etc. Essentially it is the transferring of someone's good bacteria into your own body. I too acquired PF after a round of antibiotics.


And by the way, this fungus feeds on oils so do NOT use coconut oil or any oil for that matter because it will make it worse.


Posted : 05/03/2015 7:22 am

Hey. I did a fecal transplant 4 weeks ago for terrible forehead acne. As I look at pictures of pit. Folliculitis I actually think that is what I had! Like a million little skin colored bumps that a tiny bit would squeeze out when popped and then they go angry red and swollen due to me irritating them. The rest of my face was fairly clear, minor blackheads here and there but my forehead was an absolute mess! Anyways, the fmt (fecal microbial transplant) has made MAJOR improvements in my skin, like 85% so far. Maybe even more. My forehead used to be an oil slick, now it's soft, normal skin. The bumps are almost gone and now just waiting for the red spots to fade away. I will keep you posted on my progress.

mommykik liked

Posted : 03/10/2016 6:01 pm

Hey Mindphlux, I too think i got PF from accutane and poor diet. Are you completely cured? Have you had any relapses?


Posted : 03/12/2016 11:37 am

I wish I knew about not taking antibiotics. I took 3 of them for 2 years and both failed. On Claravis now for PF. I was also prescribed Ketoconozale shampoo but it doesn't appear to be helping at all. Been using it for 6 months.
