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Stubborn Acne Trying To Find A Cure


Posted : 01/05/2014 12:01 pm

I am a 25 year old female; a current acne sufferer for over 10 years. I have been battling with mild to moderate to severe cystic acne and I've got to say that it has affected my psychological health and the way I see myself. Every day I wake up I am challenged with this issue. I try and hide all the defaults on my skin and look good enough to walk out the door and let other people see me. Make up doesn't help much, it doesn't hide pimples but it can cover up the dark marks and some scars.

I don't know what my solution would be because I feel as if I have tried every acne treatment that exists with out much results.

I have listed all the treatments I have tried so far:

- Neutrogena;

-Oxy clear;




-Exposed Skin Care;

-G.M. Collin Acne Kit;





-Apricot masks;

-Face Steamer;



-Glycolic and Salicylic acid peels;


-IPL Laser;

-Blue Light Therapy;


-Facials for acne;

-Natural oils and omega-3 tablets;

-Vitamins and supplements for beautiful skin;

-Changing diet, cutting out dairy and sugar.

So seriously, I still have acne, scars and dark marks all over my cheeks, jawline and occasionally on my back and neck. I am desperate to finding a solution and don't know what to do anymore !!!!!






Posted : 01/05/2014 2:46 pm

You need to see a Derm and ask about Accutane. I used it just got off in September and I am flawless.


Posted : 01/06/2014 7:03 pm

Thanks for the comment. I know that accutane does wonders for acne but I'll need to talk with my doctor about it because I have health issues that can interfere with this treatment.
