Help Me.


Posted : 09/05/2013 10:12 am

I'm 18. Male. Lots of whiteheads and redness. They will break out in groups of 3-4 in random spots on my face. Lots of scars on my cheeks, pimpley between my eyebrows, moderate on my forehead. I wash my face with gentle face wash called cetaphil every day/night until a few days ago when I got proactive. Now my face is broken out more


I wake up with new whiteheads. First thing I do in the morning is look in the mirror to see the new pimples. I have mild acne on my shoulders and back. I've had it for 4 years and I've tried all kinds of tropicals like retin a. I was on tetracycline for a month but the dermatologist won't give me more.


They give me the same thing every time I go and it doesn't work. It just burns my face and irritates my skin. I tell them, and they just give me more or say use less. I'm about freaking had it.


What can I do guys. This is so bad. I'm a senior and everybody's teenager acne phase has passed. Not mine though...


Posted : 09/06/2013 11:45 pm

Don't worry about that . if you can take the side effects of isotretinoin,why not ask your dermatologist .


Posted : 09/08/2013 2:25 am

Could try some dietary changes in combination with proactive. The breakout you experienced from proactive is probably just an initial thing that is making existing microcomedones (you can't see them except with a microscope) blow up into pustules. I would keep going with proactive and clean up your diet (especially if you have inflammatory acne) for a while longer before trying accutane (which is really a last resort).


Posted : 09/08/2013 9:00 am

I suggest going to your doctor and asking about Minocyline. Quite good for moderate acne, and not very harsh side effects.

Cetaphil is a great cleanser, and personally, my suggestion is to stop Proactive. The chemicals they use in proactive are extremely harsh, and for a lot of cases, cause more damage than good (Which I found out the hard way, $120 later).

Otherwise, ask your GP if you can get some Differen. Good stuff. But my first bet is on Minocyline, because it will clear up your face, but it also will clear up your body acne as well. I also found that it reduced my amount of break outs and whiteheads.

Good luck :)
