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Polysporin Ointment?


Posted : 09/05/2013 1:09 am

hey everybody. im a 13 year old boy, with somewhat oily face. I have very light acne, but yesterday i popped 3 pimples, one was HUGE, (i know im not supposed to) and now today in left with 2 little red marks, and one huge purple circle.


its starting to be a scab, but im gonna go to sleep soon, should i apply polysporin OINTMENT? or should i just wash my face and leave it to nature.


p.s i cannot afford for it to clog my pores. please i dont want it any worse for school.


thanks! :)


Posted : 09/05/2013 10:08 am

You can spot treat those marks with the polysporin, just don't go applying it all over the face. Hopefully it was already better today, sleep helps heal the body on its own.
